The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

My Photo
Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Country music? - Entertainment

Country music? - Entertainment

this was in the Daily Toreador today...its that band i talked about earlier: Thrift Store Cowboys

I heart the smell of Cow in the morning

Okies afew things...last night sucked royally. So much pain and heartache...i wanna crawl up into a nice little ball and leave this world. I want to forget how it feels to be hurt, and only know what it feels like to be loved and cared for. Yet that doesn't seem to be something that i'm allowed to feel now-a-days. I can't go into it, but what i can say is that i had started to be somewhat normal with feelings and emotions again and then they are flung back into my face, once again...and it hurts...its hurts so much and i am sick and tired of feeling pain. I'm so tired of it, and i just cannot handle more and more hurt. I'm done with it all...unless a person can show me unconditional love, i'm done. And i do mean, unconditional. *sighs*

On another note, i woke up and walked to class...guess where the wind was blowing? East, North East...IE: the cow the entire campus smells like cow. Oh Lubbock, how i hate you!

So, my feet have been killing me lately largely due to the fact that my left heel is cracking and it hurts like hell, and its infected because i wear sandles, and bandaids don't work. SO, does anybody have suggestions on making the cracks go away and stop hurting...mostly stop hurting first?

AND!!! Check this out ,and please do it for me?! PLEASE?!

Dankies *huggles*


49 Ways to use a metranome!!!

1. Self-hypnosis
2. Doggie toy
3. Track repeats
5. Alien communication
7. Fly fishing
11. Nourishing OCD
13. Heart rate monitor
17. Airport hoaxes
19. Deep breathing exercises
23. Countdown on New Years
29. Calculating absolute stationary
31. Nagging small children
37. Marching
41. Contacting the dead
43. Retriever training
47. Slave driving
53. Purging puerility
59. Eradicating evil
61. Reiterating redundancy
67. Techno beat
71. Counting sheep
73. Stocking stuffers
79. Fun for the whole Baptist family
83. Fun for the whole Nazi family
89. Silencing objections
97. Courting a shorebird
101. Stifling rubato
103. Ignoring the phone
107. Instilling fear
109. Synchronized eating
113. Pest extermination
127. Stoning the wicked
131. Brainwashing
137. Playing the theme to 24"
139. Impressing Joshua Bell
149. Counting to 1,319
151. Getting fired from an orchestra
157. Faking a pulse in a hospital
163. Cheating for an audition
167. Picking up hot violin chix
173. Impersonating the microwave
179. Arguing with Toni Furman
181. Improving your SATs
191. Beating a dead horse
193. Boring people to death
197. Entertaining Alaskans
199. Pure, unfiltered, 100% organic insanity

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When Mice Attack

I saw the mythbusters on campus last night! It kicked ass! I'll post pictures the mean time...look at my last post and the update...rattle your brain and what do you come up with? Thanks Seth for getting me stuck on this too, maybe i needed some more theology in my life, since most of my friends up at Tech are either agnostic, wican, or just anti-Christian. Its refreshing. Anywho, check it out. *nods*


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Holy Trinity (UPDATED)

Well, i thought i was somewhat done with posts today, but i'm not...and i'm not going to be. Seth wrote something in Five Cent Stand's blog (go check it out, its in my links) asking about the Trinity. I couldn't get my head out of the idea as i walked to class. So here is my responce to him:

OK, i read this, seth, before my poli sci class. I ran to class and couldn't get my brain away from this i forfeited my notes and started writing down thoughts instead.

I believe that you really can't wrap your head around the idea of the Trinity. The trinity as best as i understand it, is "almost" the essence of God made into living onipitant seperate beings: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are all seperately thinking and existing beings but they are all one in the same. Confusing, i know. I had a sixth grade teacher explain it to me in really simplistic terms years and years ago: to you seth, I am a mucisian but to my dad I am his daughter, and at the same time I am my friend, Corey's, psycologist. I am three different people yet i am the same person. I have different identities for different roles.

This does not explain the fact that the Son, the Spirit and the Father are three very different beings. I believe that the Trinity itself is a concept that we, humans, created inorder to bring some form of order to God, for our own sanity. God himself is complex enough, let alone "three" of Him. Jesus never labled his relationship with the Father as a Duelity/Duet. I believe He stated that they are one in the same. The full Spirit did not decend upon the world/people until after the resurection: 50 days after the resurection and 10 days after the ascention...during the Pentecost, thus signifying that God's presence is available to anyone who asks. His presence.

In order to somewhat scratch the surface of the Trinity, one needs to explore the nature of the three parts. God as the Son, God as the Father, and especially God as the Spirit. And then realize how they interact with eachother. Almost like a Venn Diagram. Which attributes are shared and which attributes are exclusive to the different parts of the Trinity.

I spoke of the Spirit the most because that is the part of the Trinity I believe that we interact with the most. The Spirit is the pure essence of God, which was created by faith for faith...a child-like faith. If that is the case, then wouldn't the core idea of the Trinity have to be largely based on faith?

I don't know. I know that I am personally satsified with the concept of taking the Trinity and the concept of it by faith.

Feedback, rebuttals?

This is an exerpt of a book i read by Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis. What do you think?

This doctrine is central to historic, orthodox Christian faith. While there is only one God, God is somehow present everywhere. People began to call this presence, this power of God, his ‘Spirit'. So there is God, the then there is God's Spirit. And then Jesus comes among us and has this oneness with God that has people saying things like God has visited us in the flesh (John 1:14). So God is one, but God has also revealed himself to us as Spirit and then as Jesus. One and yet three. This three-in-oneness understanding of God emerged in several hundred years after Jesus' resurrection. People began to call this concept the Trinity. The word trinity is not found anywhere in the Bible. Jesus didn't use the word, and the writers of the rest of the Bible didn't use the word.

But over time this belief, this understanding, this doctrine, has become central to how followers of Jesus have understood who God is. It is a spring, and people jumped for thousands of years without it(this fact, of course, doesn't make the doctrine any less true. It's been true all along; people just ‘recently' discovered it.) It was added later. We can take it out and examine it. Discuss it, probe it, question it. It flexes, and it stretches.2 It has brought a littler, deeper, richer understanding to the mysterious being who is God. . . .Our words are not absolutes. Only God is absolute... The moment God is figured out with nice neat lines and definitions, we are no longer dealing with God. We are dealing with somebody we made up.3

Interesting point hu? *nods*


Metal on Ears and Cold Winds Hurt!!!

I always think when I am walking to or from Trig class. There is something about the mornings that make me think. Either way, I was thinking today which of course is a dangerous thing but something that has to be done. While i was in my own little world listening to my iPod a volunteer bee-lined at the "free speach" area on campus and caught me with a patition. It was for an independant canidate for govenor for Texas. It wasn't Kinky Freeman, who has gotten alot of media attention especially here in lubbock. It was the female running. I wanted to vote independant anyways so i signed the patition. They have to get so many signatures just to have thier name put on the ballot, and the registared voters who sighn could not have voted in the March elections. I qualified so i went ahead and signed. I feel for the indepenent canidates, and i'm tired of the democrats complaining in texas and the republicans screwing up in texas. I'm tired of it all...i think independant may or maynot help, but at least it is a try. Alot of this may be because i'm a "crazy" college student and have "radical" ideas. That may be true but either way, i excersized my right as an american citizen today...and i just shrug it off. Its sad but that's what americans do now-a-days. I sighn the petition then i walk back to my dorm to kill time before my Political Science class...ironic?! Maybe.

So after i bravely exercized my right as an american citizen, i started thinking about my friends and life in general. I realized that i finally have a little group of friends that I hang around with now, here at Tech, sprinkled with afew "outside" friends here and there. I also realized how much i really do miss my conversations with Joey. Now don't go on a tangent on me about our dating relationship, because i won't. I haven't talked to him in a very long time, and I miss our conversations alot. There are so many things i wanna ask him and talk to him about and have long discussions about. That was the pang of loneliness that i felt yesterday that i wrote about, briefly. I realized that i haven't talked to Joey in a very long time and i missed it. Yes i know, he doesn't talk to people except for "clients" and seth. And i know he reads my blog periodically....i think he read it yesterday in fact...i think. Either way, I have wonderful friends that I care for deeply and that I would bend over backwards for here at Tech, but the one person that i just want to have a serious discussion with...*shrugs*. I guess i'm somewhat complaining about this, is because i have some questions for him that i really can't ask anyone here. I am the most religious person in my group of friends so i can't ask them a theology question...i can only ask a person who has somewhat the same views as I do, and joey does...though he kicks my butt over it. Oh well, i guess what is, is...and that won't change.

On another note, MythBusters is comming to Tech today! I'm so excited! I'm going to go see them after my class. And my friend Chase is here in town, so i may see him too! *dances* mmmmm...besides that, art is going to kick my butt! I'm happy about that...don't ask why...just accept it. *nods*

@ Amanda: i am watching Ragnorak Loki and DN Angel that i stole from Mook.



Monday, April 24, 2006

A Rise in Leopard Squirl Population

well i was going to write about how i just got a pang of lonliness but then my mother called and made me really upset. Then i had to run down to the art building to pick up some guitar books. *sighs* And if he is reading this, i'm jealous of Robin!!! *sighs*

Anywho, I had my last meeting with Joe. It made me sad, but it had to be done. They are going to Ohio this summer. He told me that i'm alot more like my dad than my mom. Joey told me that too...and he was very adement about the fact that I continue to be like my dad rather than my mom. Either who...i'm going to practice and cool down after being upset and running across campus. *huggles*


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Musical Talent

i just realized something...i'm fucking talented. I've always said that my musical talent was hard earned but i realized that i actually have had amazing opritunities in life already, and i'm only 19.

I have played or preformed in/with:
  • Carnegie Hall (NYC)
  • Symphony Hall (Chicago)
  • Stude Hall (Rice University)
  • Goin Band (Texas Tech University)
  • Five Cent Stand
  • Joey McFarland (yes i find it an honor to play with you)
  • a blue grass jam band
  • several church bands
  • i have been asked to preform and record with The Methods
  • i play in Four and a Half Year Crusade

and i would hope the list just continues to grow. I'm excited in what life has to offer me in the up comming years. I may go to Chicago with a member of The Methods this summer...which i'm hoping we'll be able to jam. I'm exited!


Free Cowboys

well the weekend went nicely. I am finally allowed to be back in my antisocial state. Which is nice, finally. I showed Rachel and her parents around the campus and town. Rachel pretty much stayed with me the entire weekend while her parents went out and did thier own thing. That was fine. It rained on Thursday and yesterday evening so it was also nice to get some rain. We hung out with alot of my friends. Freebirds just opened up here in Lubbock and the entire city is in a riot to get there, especially people who are from big cities like Houston and Austin. They all know Freebirds and they are all excited. We went and had a burrito, it was wonderful. It was the first time that i have had a decent burrito in Lubbock. Its nice...very nice. We also went to a concert at Jakes Sports Bar. We saw a band called Thrift Store Cowboys. The lead singer and the violinist were both from Lubbock. The violinist was absolutely amazing. Now you have to understand, i've been spoiled on Joey's playing and personal concerts and things like that so listening to other violin playing is always hard or an adventure for me. This girl, Pearl, was absolutely amazing! She was primarily a fiddle player but she was very good at it. One of the best fiddle players i have seen in a long time. Well, watching her play she would put so much preassure on the bow that the horse hairs on her bow would break. About an hour into the concert she had already accumilated a tuff at the top of the bow. I was thinking to myself, how many times does she get her bow re-strung?! I would say her bow lasts her about two or three preformances max until she has to get it re-strung. Either way, she is absolutely amazing! I loved this band. It was a very good concert.

The good playing and the fun we were having made me really happy so i wanted to play. I stole Derek's car and went and picked up my flute and when back to his place. At his place, Rachel, Derek, and I drank wine and jammed. It was so much fun! Which reminds me, my friend Cat from Clements is comming to Tech as well...and she's going to sell me her drum set, then join our band (Four and a Half Year Crusade) and play keyboards and do some vocals. She is also going to help with some lyrics hopefully. So that is very helpful, we are finally expanding our band...its nice...once again. mmmmmm...i am going to take a nap, i think and get some work done then hang out with Tyler later tonight. *nods* Okies! TTYL!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Love? What is that?

You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.

Take this quiz!

yeah, i'm not sure if this is really me, oh was fun...i think.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Swimming through Campus

Rain! It rained last night, and everything is green (green for lubbock) YEAH! Rachel is hear and i'm showing her the campus. *huggles* ttyl.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Churches and Time

I have been reading several people's blogs lately and i've noticed a trend in everybody's blog: the sour taste of the mini buracracy of the Christian church. Now, this is something i've been struggling with for several years now. But when i read Five Cent Stand, Third Day, and Shuan Grove's blogs it just struck a note once again. I realize that all i want to do in church is play my music for the glory of God. It is my way of worshiping...not singing...but playing. I've been playing my flute in a church band for five years or so now and the longer i do this the more and more i relize that band outside of church is less satisfying. Eventhough i feel like my true gift is my art, my music is my way to give back a talent that God has given me. I posted something in Five Cent Stand's blog saying something along the lines of: it frustrates me when i sit in the church orchestra pit and we get hung up on a soundsytem. I wonder if that is what God wants or intended, that we all worry about how we are going to sound instead of if the music comming from our hearts is satsifactory enough for God. We all get wrapped up in the idea of, "is church good enough for you and me". When rather we should be wrapped up in the unspeakable peace that washes over us when we worship. Along those same lines it just reminds me of when i joined WTBC. I asked the senior youth sunday school instructors if we could study things more in depth. Thier responce? The mass majority of the students there didn't want thought provoking studies nor did they want to study a book in the Bible (they would rather learn about the same stories that we have learned since we were toddlers). They were going to cater to the masses rather than the individual. My responce to that was, this is not a church. The church is supposed to be excited if a person wants to learn more, and help them rather than shoot them down. I then stole away to the band and i've been happy there. Either way, the point that i'm making here is that we all get wrapped up in the petty complex things when church is simple, though we loose sight of it. It also reminds me why i don't go to church in lubbock. I saw an interview with a youth pastor stating that Christianity is one of the most intolerable religions. When i saw that i was appauled. People in the church make christianity intolerable, Christianity itself is not intolerable. I read a book called Velvit Elvis and it addressed that point saying, that Christianity actually accepts all people from every background no matter how bad or good it may be. Christianity unconditionally forgives, and even the fundemental foundation of Christianity, grace, is incredibly tolerable. That is the attitude that i've seen in lubbock: it is our way or no other way. And unfortunately i believe that God never intended for us to be so hardnosed about religion, at least not in this manner.

Stepping off of my soap box now...i'm going to stay in lubbock this summer and go to summer school and work for Milt. All of this instead of working for Southwestern. Joe is going to be upset, and i really do like him alot but i need to do this inorder to graduate in 5 years or so. I'm going to move in to an appartment over the summer, which i'm excited about. I think this summer is going to be fun, hard work but fun. *nods* Though i'm going to miss playing in the church band and hanging out with my friends. I'll miss alot of things...but i'll be back in h-town for my brother's birthday, at least that is what i anticipate.

Yes, i've been busy lately...lots and lots of art projects and english papers. I have two, on-the-side projects that i need to start working on. Rachel is comming into town tomorrow. We are going to have fun. She'll be a freshman next year. Either who, i've been a busy girl. *nods and huggles*

miss you all!


Monday, April 17, 2006

Blog Entry "Chronicles of Houston"

2:43 pm Friday, April 14th, 2006

We've been on the road for almost 2 hours now, and i have to say, it has been some of the most interesting 2 hours. A buddy of mine from elementary school, Josh, is driving Tyler and me back to Sugar Land. I've kidnapped Tyler to come along, so the three of us are crammed into an old 1965 blue air conditioning and no seatbelts, cruising through West Texas and beyond. All the windows are down and everything is blowing...which proves difficult to chew gum with strands of hair finding refuge in your mouth. Either way, I'm finding the entire ordeal quite interesting and even alittle enjoyable. How many people can say that they have driven through West Texas in an old mustang, with a band nerd, army dude, and excentric artist? Not many. I honestly believe this is hte one trop that will be stored away in the memory banks...I know I'll tell my grandchildren, "I went on a roadtrip in an old mustang when i was in college." Just thinking about what I am actually doing makes me wonder about the generation who did this all the time. Its almost romatic: I sit in the back seat reading and writing--I'm sure some other girl had sone the same things I've done, just in a different time era. I love the ironacy of history. I feel like i'm reliving it in a way. Its a very romantic feeling.


5:35 pm Friday, April 14th, 2006

Well, when i said that this would be an interesting ride, i was right. About 15 min. outside of a boondock city called Center Plains, Texas, our transmission started acting up. We crawled at 25mph to the city and stopeed at a gas station. We filled up and looked under the hood. Josh found a gashed pipe and we though that was the problem. Tyler and I walked to a machanic down the road and relayed questions back and forth between Josh and the machanic. While we were in the process of doing that, I ran into DQ to get a simple cup of ice (which took 10 min to do) small towns. Well, Josh managed to lock up his keys in the trunk while we were gone. He had to dismantel the entire back seat to get to the trunk. He did get his keys and we drove down to the mechanic. To make a long story short, the mechanic couldn't find anything wrong so we just piled back into the Mustang and headed onward to H-town. So far the car is acting fine.

Now back to that hell-hole of a town...i felt so out of place. EVERYBODY stared at us. Its like they have never seen a person before. We were in hick-ville, Texas. (no offence) but white trash everywhere...gah! I felt very out of place and over dressed: with a guitar hanging out of the side window of a 1965 blue mustang and me wearing a shirt that says, "I'm in the band" with two guys...they might have thought that we were part of a band. That's ammusing! Anywho, its very windy and had r to write AND supposedly i'm supposed to be working on a paper, but i can't...I'll cram it in when i get home in SL. SAFE TRAVELS!


Easter Sunday Survice

ahhh...the bubble, its a love/hate relationship, its all good. Saturday was good. I got to sleep in, which was nice, and hit the ground running. Mom, Tyler, and I went out shopping. I got art supplies! It makes me happy. Happy place! Anywho, i dropped mom off at home and Tyler and I took the car out and I showed him around SL. When we were in old SL ( i was showing him the sugar factory) we took a detour to my old church....Sugar Land Bible Church. I got to meet up with some old friends and some old mucisians that i used to play with. I realized just not, that i've been blessed with the opritunities to play with amazing and talented mucisans. Now, i'm not a good musician by any means, but i've been able to hold myown enough to preform and whatnot. Having the opritunity to play in both Carnagie and Symphony Halls, preform with Joey, Seth, my dad, Rick, Rich, Rob, Aya...and the list goes on...i've been so blessed. Anywho, i digress...I was able to see some old friends and whatnot. We hung out with my dear buddies, Daniel and Angela. We aslo hit up a party with Victoria, Matt, Alfie and friends. I'm so glad that I moved away so that I do not have to deal with high school drama. Though, I'm still Dr. Reijn to the world...its ammusing. Anywho, Tyler and I got two hours of sleep last night--eh...its all good. We had fun. I got to meet up with another dear friend of mine: Chase and his good friend Jeremy. Jeremy is my art confidant. It was fun to see him/them again. All-in-all, saturday was extreemly busy...but its all good. It was an enjoyable easter sunday and i'm stuck in the orchestra pit but i don't care. I'm in a happy place. The music is ammusing once again. *huggles*


8:45 pm Monday, April 17, 2006

Well, i'm back in hell...i mean lubbock. Yesterday was fun. Ate lots of food and hung out with old friends. I'm the shortest one now! The Gidding twins, Kristin Wolfe and my little brother and tyler are all taller than me...and I'm the oldest one out of all of them! gah! oh well. Tyler and I fell asleep on the couch because we were so tired. We went out and hung out with afew more friends later that evening. I got to see Cody, for afew min. He told us a story about when he was transporting a lay-z-boy chair in the back of his truck. It was dusk and the sun was setting so he decided to pull over and grab a drink and sit in the lay-z-boy, kick back and watch the sun set in the bed of his truck. It made me think. He has such an amazing outlook on life. He knows when to take the moments when they happen and enjoy them. I thought about what i think i would have done...and i would have kept on driving, or maybe taken a picture then kept on driving. I have forgotten to capture the moment. Sometimes its the small things in life that actually keep us in check. Anywho, we also hung out with a guy that i met at Will's party. Will evidentally gave him my number and we've kept up. He's a cool guy and thinking about comming to Tech for buisness. He, I, Tyler and one of his buddies went to go see Scary Movie 4. And i would have to say, i lost brain cells in that movie. *sighs*

This morning we got up and went to my high school because i needed to talk to Mr. Galloway about next year's marching show. And guess what! Its about Heat! *laughs* i'm going to have fun with this one! I already have ideas running through my head! *nods* I also talked to Mr. Schaffer my computer instructor. He told me about how FBISD is changning thier inschool time to be longer. Next year students won't have a spring break, they will have one week for Christman, afew days for Thanksgiving and they won't get out for summer until June. He said that it was based on a recent research from the University of Texas. I think UT is insane anyways. I'm so glad i go to Tech and i've graduated before that all happened. I feel for my little brother though. Well, the drive back to Lubbock was very uneventful. Josh got his dad's truck to bring back so we had more room...i still was in the back, but thats ok...i liked it. I took many naps and pictures. I'll load them up later. Eh, we made it back to Lubbock in 8.5 hours! That has got to be record. I'm tired and have a headache i'm going to let this long ass blog entry end! *huggles*


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Shit Cow Ranch

*laughs* i'm back in SL, safe and sound. Tyler and I are tired but its all good. I got my paper turned in today 10 min before midnight. Oh! I wrote blog entries on paper with all the exciting things that happened this trip. AND alot of things happened. I'll type it up tomorrow. *nods and huggles* for now, night!


oh PS: I've reached over 2000 hits! I'm going to do something special, though i don't know what yet!

Friday, April 14, 2006

FRIDAY at last!

well i've screwed myself over quite beautifully but that's ok. I didn't do my paper. I'm going to work on it in the car to Houston and hope that i get home in time to type it up and send it off. Or i'm going to have Tyler bring back his laptop so i can type it up on his computer then find a hotspot along the way and send it off. Either way, this was a huge risk to take but i don't care...i hate this paper and its eating my lunch.

Well i'm going to pack really quickly and then go to two meetings then head off to class. Then from there i'm headed straight to Waymouth to get tyler then Josh, tyler and I are headed out of here! *nods* Okies! ttyl! I need to pack!


See you on the other side (to quote joey)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Well i do not know what to say, I have already skipped Trig today which i really couldn't afford but i needed sleep more. I'm considering skipping Poli Sci today as well, in favor of research and paper writing and sketchbook assignments. Its looking better and better the more and more I think about it. I have so much i have to do that i don't think i'm going to go to classes except for art today. I feel bad but its something i have to do unfortunately. I think i will take a break and go grab a cup of coffee and grab some books from the faya, i am not going to wander the stacks aimessly like you do. The stacks scare me for some odd reason. They remind me of a prison almost...and i get lost. I know the stacks at Rice but i don't know them here...bleh.

I'm also a chicken running around with its head chopped off. In all seriousness! Its driving me mad. Too much work, too much stress...its all going down the crapper...because i'm so stressed. Alot of my friends from High School who are reading this, i know what you are thinking..."nothing new" right? Well, in High School i was use to a constant streem of stress, but with these past two semesters i haven't had to deal with so much of it until now. And we all know how reijn deals with large amounts of stress...not good. Either way, i'm so stressed out that i really do not know what to do with myself. Yeah, its sad. And to top it all off, the people here at Tech (my friends...yes tyler and derek) do not really know how to handle me while i'm acting like this. My high school buddies need to give my Tech buddies lessons on Reijn 101. *nods* that would be ammusing. I would attend to say the least, you would have to duct tape my mouth closed so i would refrain from commenting. Either way, i read that there was a chicken who lived for a long time after its head was chopped off. I wonder...


Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I added a new blog link to my blog! Its Five Cent Stand...Seth and Amber, a couple from my church who are amazing!!!

Well, i'm stressed. I've been working on lots and lots of scheduling and projects and papers and what not. This duel major is going ot kick my butt...and its looking like i will not be able to take that summer job. Its looking more and more like i need to take summer school inorder to graduate in 4-5 years...and i really don't want to make it 6 but there is a slight possibility. I'll probally end up taking most of my english courses over the summers and most of my art courses over the school year. Its all kicking my butt right now.

So was standing in the cort yard between the Arch. building and the Art building. I was walking up and down the stairs near the art building and walking on the concrete siding on one of the landscaping areas. I tend to pace alot, i've noticed that. Anywho, i was walking around and pacing on the concrete siding/barrier when i looked down and saw a moth trying to fly. It was flopping around trying so hard making that typical bug buzzing noise. (thats how i noticed it). Upon closer inspection i noticed one of its wings had torn off and the poor thing was trying to fly! All i could think of was, "thats pathetic." Then i caught myself thinking that and i was appauled that, that was what i was thinking! An innocent animal was suffering and all i could think of was "thats pathetic"?! What is freakin wrong with me! And to top it all off, i didn't even put it out of its misery, i left it to suffer and eventually die. In some ways i want to go back and try to find it but i know there is nothing left for me to do..its going to die anyways. And honestly i don't care. What is wrong with me? I'm sick...and demented.


September 7th

i can't believe i almost have 2,000 hits! that makes me so happy! I'll do something special when i actually see it hit 2000!

Stolen from Lisa. Go to and look up your birthday. List three neat facts, two births and one death in your journal.

Neat facts:
1251 BC - A solar eclipse on this date might mark the birth of legendary Heracles at Thebes, Greece.

1969 - Monty Python's Flying Circus airs first episode.

2005 - Apple Computer introduced the iPod nano, a revolutionary full-featured iPod that holds 1,000 songs yet is thinner than a standard #2 pencil and less than half the size of competitive players.

1892 - John Greenleaf Whittier, American poet (b. 1807)

1533 - Queen Elizabeth I of England (d. 1603)

1936 - Buddy Holly, American singer (d. 1959)

i have a cool birthday!


Monday, April 10, 2006


i played soccer yesterday for the first time in 5 or so years. It was fun and exausting at the same time. I have never played indoor soccer so that was an experiance unto itself. And i realized that eventhough i'm somewhat in shape, soccer kicked my butt...royally. I woke up sore and very tired today. And eventhough i wore an ankle brace, i ripped up my ankle and that hurts quite royally as well.

Along with the injuries, Corey "broke" his arm. At least that is the story i got. I find it quite fitting and ammusing. *nods* Its Corey, very much so along the lines of...its just is what it is. Oh, and going off on that....i saw a girl in my art history class that had a shirt that said, "Lubbock or Leave it" and i want to modify that shirt to this: "Lubbock or Leave it...I choose to leave it" and wear it in Tech colors! *gah!* i love it! I so want that shirt! I hate lubbock with a passion! *nods* to run! *huggles*

I'm still alittle high off of the duel major thing! *nods* It makes me very happy.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

In Bed with a Deity

This weekend has been fairly uneventful. Derek and I drank yesterday, and it was the first time that i drank and was relaxed around a person before. I rediscovered why i hate Yellow Tail. I got much so that i had a hang over this morning...and it sucked. I don't like yellow tail, and i won't be drinking it any time soon. *nods*

What else...working on my major and what not. Going to go pick up my piano tomorrow and get some work done. mmmmm...i need to call home. Eh, my brain is pretty dead right now. I kinda slept the day away. So pizza awaits! *huggles*


Friday, April 07, 2006

Keeping our Children Innocent

I am officially a duel major in English Technical Writing and Studio Art...with my primary college the Preforming and Visual Arts College. *sighs* its almost all i have to do is get the hold taken off of my transcript so I can register. Which means i need to figure out my schedule and have it approved by the undergrad advisor in the art department. I'll put it together this weekend and have my meeting with her next week. I can't register until the 17th anyways so, as long as I can do this soon i'll be happy.

It is hellishly windy! We have been having horrible dust storms lately! It just shows why i hate Lubbock so much! Oh, which reminds me. I did my english peer review and one of the papers i got made me laugh so much. If you know me well enough you will know why. I couldn't stop laughing to write the first sentence to the review. The paper was about how porn is a problem and that the church should do something about it. The person was a dumb ass. I was laughing so hard that at the end of the review, i put my email address for this person to contact me for further dicussion. This paper was pretty much from the point of view of a West Texas Conservative Church-goer. The last sentence in the paper went along the lines of: "the church needs to take action and I think society will respond positively inorder to keep our youth innocent." *laughs* oh, i'm so bad...i'm horrible...and i blame Joey! *laughs* He would be so proud of my responces to this person...pretty much i said: "you are so one and short sighted" very nicely. This is what i said:


I do not belive that the problem presented
is well rounded in its argument. The solution is extreemly short sighted and
will not be effective. Pornography is regulated in the professional field. It is
the off market porn that is not regulated. There undercover police who try to
shut down illigal porn cites and activities. I do not agree with the sigificance
of the problem stated. I believe that porn is what one precieves it to be. If
one believes it to be tabboo and shield themselves from it, that is thier
choice. That choice cannot be forced upon other people.


The support provided does
assist the argument provided. I would use more facts from professionals, like
quotes. Lexis Nexis has many articles that will help with your topic. I cannot
say that I am convinced because I believe the complete opposite of the argument
proposed. For counter arguments: many people believe that porn is not a problem.
They belive that people should be exposed and educated about it so that they can
come up with a personal decision about porn. Many people believe that porn is
not necessarily harmful if you keep it as exactly what it is ment to be: not an
addiction but as an entertainment venue or as a personal educational experiance.
Porn is what it is, nothing more. People who are scared and do not understand it
make it a big deal. People who are involved in it are not ashamed with what they
do and do not make a big deal out of thier industry. Take into account that
college students are vastly the majority of people involved in off market porn.


1. "As a church, if pornography is given attention to as a
problem, I believe society will respond positively..." This will not happen. The
majority of the population will not respond lightly to something dentramental
towards porn. This is a fact: many male church figures including musical artists
are active porn viewers. Promise Keepers address this in thier siminars.

2. You state, "Pornography is an extremely ignored..." yet you
go on to say, "pornography industry is such a huge source of revenue, that
people find it hard to challenge the industry out of fear of loss of a paycheck
or of damaging the economy." This is contradictory to itself. If porn is ignored
then why is the vast majority of people afraid to effect the economy? That is
not ignoring anything.

3. "it is an un-deniable fact that
society needs to be aware of, come to grasps with..." Society is already aware
of porn and has come to grasps with it. That is why there are streets like
Westhimer in Houston that are lined with fetish shops. Also, movies like Sin
City have come to grasp with explicit scenes.

I'm so so bad. Its so ammusing! Well, i'm off! *huggles*


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Peachwood Ln. entry

there is a new entry in peachwood ln. "Malorie" I'm going to also try to add the Starbucks girls there too...but it may or maynot be up....but "Malorie" is. Enjoy!


Morning Events

eh, i don't anticipate today to be that exciting but i started the day off with a, "oh shit" so who knows. Usually when my mornings are like that, my entire day is an "oh crap, damn it!" day. Its funny how that works.

So i pryed myself out of bed today and got dressed. I had an inkling that i was missing something so i checked what day my math homework was due, and it was today. Had i done it? no. So while i was getting ready i formulated something so i could get my homework done. I decided not to go to class and instead sit in the Student Union drinking my daily coffee and working on homework. That is exactly what i did. I put on my headphones and ipod and worked on math homework for an hour and a half...the exact time of my class. When i got done, i walked down to the "quads" (the math building) and went to my instructor's office. I told him that i slept through class but i wanted to get my homework turned in on time. He took it and gave me the next homework assignment. My instructor is such an interesting guy. He has alot of personality but he is very monotone and stoic sometimes...his responce to me "sleepping through class" was "oh no, thats not good" in a straight yet kind tone. It was quite ammusing. Anywho, when i walked out of the SUB to go turn in my math homework i walked straight into a Lubbock dust storm. It wasn't too bad but it was bad enough that my sunglasses weren't protecting my eyes from the grit, and that i was getting pushed around by the wind. Ah, Lubbock, how do i hate thee!

Again, as i walk around campus i tend to think, alot. I was mostly thinking how i hate Lubbock...but then my head turned to look at a landscaping patch. It was filled with green stems and nothing more. There used to be beautiful red and yellow tulips there but all the pettals had been ripped off due to the uncany brutality of the Lubbock wind. It actually depressed me quite thuroughly. Those tulips were so beautiful and they always brightened my day every time i walked past a patch somewhere on campus. My mom instilled the love for tulips. I remember planting bulbs each spring in our gardens around the house. And I remember always being so excited when a flower would spring up. They were always so special to me. It was such a wonderful treat to see tulips everyday. I think everybody on campus enjoyed them. I would always see people looking at them when they walked past no matter how much of a rush they were in, and consequently not look where they were going...i was guilty of it too. Now, Lubbock has decided to twart that small piece of joy. It depresses me. Living in such a dull place, makes you look for the small things in life to be happy and find joy in. Elton John has a song talking about it, but i don't remember it right now. That's a first isn't it? *laughs*

Now the Starbucks in the B&N in the Student Union employees know me. They know my order and they have it ready as soon as i walk though the door, its quite funny...and nice. I think i'm going to write an entry in Peachwood Ln. about them and give them a copy. They really do brighten my mornings for the most part.

My TV is still broken and it makes me sad. Oh, Mythbusters is comming to Tech on the 25th! I am so going and that makes me so happy! *nods* I can't wait! So, i went to tyler's place to watch tv and work on a paper. It was nice...we watched a variety of things. Joseph wouldn't leave the TV on one channel. The guy is nice but very much still stuck in high school. Its ok though. Tyler said that he thinks that Joseph likes me...i laughed and agreed. I told tyler that i wouldn't date Joseph at all...i would kill him before he ever came near me. Then we started joking about if i did date him. This is what my convo with Joey might be when i would inform him about the new boyfriend: "hey, joey!" Joey: "hi hi" me: "guess what" Joey: "what?" me: "i'm dating Joey now." Joey: "you are what?" me: "i'm dating joey!" Joey: "you're dating a guy named joey? *laughs*" me: "Yep, and he's a dumn ass" I really wouldn't say that last bit, but i think it would be a quite interesting convo. AND it will never happen! Its just fun to speculate.

mmmmm...anywho...homework and all sounds good to me. *nods*


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

a real update and entry

mmmm...i know i haven't written alot lately. I've been sleep deprived, social and cranky. It is all my fault though. I'm working on getting meetings with all the departments inorder to get my classes and majors in order. Its very annoying. No one will respond to my emails. Its getting very irritating.

So my TV is broken right now. A tape is stuck in the VCR and it won't come out. You can't just pull the tape out either, its stuck. I turn on the TV and it makes a funny noise then overheats then shuts no TV for me right now and its about to drive me crazy. I NEED NOISE! gah! Eddie Izzard is keeping me company right now.

So, what else. Things are somewhat normal, which is a nice change. I'm busy with classes and whatnot but its all good. My art teacher won't leave me alone. Its annoying. He used to leave me alone and then he pointed out my figure drawings to the entire class and said, "these are perfect". I had a sudden urge to hide behind my canvas right then and there. I like to be good and anonymous. Oh well. So now the entire class's eyes are upon my canvas and my work. Now i have to live up to myown standard. It sucks really. My instructor, Jeff Wheeler, came to my canvas one day and asked me what my major was and i told him English. He walked off then turned around and said, "but you are going to come to the light aren't you?" me: "i'm working on a duel major." Jeff: " good. why english?" me: "b/c i'm good at it." Jeff: "we need to keep the good ones in the department." All awhile he walks off after eache statement and then comes back for a new one...very comedic. The guy has to be ADHD or something. Anywho, he showed off my work again today and i wanted to die. When i picked up my project he asked me if i was satisfied with my grade, and i said no. Then we started joking about grades. I got another 100. *shrugs* its a re-occuring occurance now-a-days...actually, my entire life. Anywho, my ego is getting the best of me and i need someone to put me back in my place...and quickly. *nods*

mmmm...I'm going home to Sugar Land for one last time for Easter Weekend. I'm bringing Tyler with me. That's going to be fun...i can't wait. It will be a great break from school! *nods* AND my friend Rachel is comming to lubbock to visit Tech the weekend after easter. And i'm going to show her the REAL lubbock and Tech. That will be fun.

mmmm...lots of birthdays and lots of presents to draw pictures for. Busy busy busy! *huggles* Oh the band is going...we are working on another song or two. We'll have a myspace page comming up soon. We are thinking of band names right now....if you have any suggestions, we will greatly appreciate them! We are throwing around the idea of "Four-and-a-Half Year Crusade" for a name. Eh, its an idea right now. *nods* okies! *huggles*


PS: oh Joey, when do you want to hang out with Tyler and I? Saturday or Sunday? Just message me with your answer..dankies FF buddy!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

small update

i know i know, i haven't written in a while, i've been busy but not. Its interesting. Anywho, i'll chat in a bit. *nods* *huggles*

its a pict of my little brother and I. He's wearing the Clements marching band summer uniform and i'm representing the Goin' Band from Raiderland! Its a good pict. I love my little brother!


Monday, April 03, 2006

I didn't Know you...but I pray for you...

The Texas Tech flag at Memorial Circle is lowered
today in memory of Mark Stephen Boswank. Mark
was born on September 30, 1986. He was a
freshman enrolled in the College of Arts and
Sciences with an undeclared major. Mark died on
March 19, 2006.