Stuff Movies are Made Of

So I guess I've been thinking more, or this little elfen muse has a muse of her own. Either way, here is another post in the same month! Amazing isn't it! lol
Valentines day is usually the bane of my existance, but this year I actually have a wonderful boyfriend AND it will be our 6 month anniversary.
I decided i should make a list of the things that I want for Valentines and I know I will never get, because I ALWAYS have crappy valentines days.
1. a ring: Jordan and I have gone back and forth about this. I want a promise ring. He doesn't think its necessary. But, i'm a girl, and I am reminded of what a wonderful relationship I have when i have something placed on my finger. Weird, I know, but i'm a wild child.
2. flowers: Steve was the last guy to give me flowers. They were for my birthday, and it was wonderful. Poor guy, he wanted to take me out for dinner, but by that time i had pretty much committed to Jordan. I think the other time i recieved flowers was for my art show opening...rarely do i recieve them from a lover...and not a family member.
3. a nice dinner with candles: i know i'm really getting mushy with you guys, but you have to realize, i've never had a romantic dinner. Derek tried, i'll give him that, once...but...well...i'm leaving it at that. Anywhos, the stuff you see in the movies is truly that...the movies...
4. a quiet evening watching movies: happened once with Jordan, and only because I was really sick.
5. surpise me: i've never been surprised...ever. Well, scratch that...James did suprise me once by taking me to an art studio to see some majorly awsome sculptures. But for a romantic...anything...i haven't been surprised. Honestly, for once I would like to be told, "put on something nice and sexy, we are going out" and that be that. Well, yeah, Jordan and I are both in college but you can still do that and have a nice picnic. *shrugs*
I guess overall, i find valentines the second most hated holdiay on my list. (Christmas being the first). I don't like the color pink, and honestly even though it is a holiday to express your "love" for someone, that should be expressed regularly and not because some day tells you so. There is not much good that I have experianced that has come out of this day. Well, scratch that...the KY commercials are pretty funny. And truly, they have the heart of the holiday..."Happy Valentine's Night".
Dear Reijn,
Good luck with your new job at Bash’s Riprock! I am happy that you and Jordan have been a couple for six months! Your writing about love is very beautiful and personal; however, I have never had my love for someone reciprocated. I will always be single, because I have too many flaws. I hope you had a wonderful and romantic Valentine’s Day!
Take Care,
Mark Baggio
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