The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Churches and Time

I have been reading several people's blogs lately and i've noticed a trend in everybody's blog: the sour taste of the mini buracracy of the Christian church. Now, this is something i've been struggling with for several years now. But when i read Five Cent Stand, Third Day, and Shuan Grove's blogs it just struck a note once again. I realize that all i want to do in church is play my music for the glory of God. It is my way of worshiping...not singing...but playing. I've been playing my flute in a church band for five years or so now and the longer i do this the more and more i relize that band outside of church is less satisfying. Eventhough i feel like my true gift is my art, my music is my way to give back a talent that God has given me. I posted something in Five Cent Stand's blog saying something along the lines of: it frustrates me when i sit in the church orchestra pit and we get hung up on a soundsytem. I wonder if that is what God wants or intended, that we all worry about how we are going to sound instead of if the music comming from our hearts is satsifactory enough for God. We all get wrapped up in the idea of, "is church good enough for you and me". When rather we should be wrapped up in the unspeakable peace that washes over us when we worship. Along those same lines it just reminds me of when i joined WTBC. I asked the senior youth sunday school instructors if we could study things more in depth. Thier responce? The mass majority of the students there didn't want thought provoking studies nor did they want to study a book in the Bible (they would rather learn about the same stories that we have learned since we were toddlers). They were going to cater to the masses rather than the individual. My responce to that was, this is not a church. The church is supposed to be excited if a person wants to learn more, and help them rather than shoot them down. I then stole away to the band and i've been happy there. Either way, the point that i'm making here is that we all get wrapped up in the petty complex things when church is simple, though we loose sight of it. It also reminds me why i don't go to church in lubbock. I saw an interview with a youth pastor stating that Christianity is one of the most intolerable religions. When i saw that i was appauled. People in the church make christianity intolerable, Christianity itself is not intolerable. I read a book called Velvit Elvis and it addressed that point saying, that Christianity actually accepts all people from every background no matter how bad or good it may be. Christianity unconditionally forgives, and even the fundemental foundation of Christianity, grace, is incredibly tolerable. That is the attitude that i've seen in lubbock: it is our way or no other way. And unfortunately i believe that God never intended for us to be so hardnosed about religion, at least not in this manner.

Stepping off of my soap box now...i'm going to stay in lubbock this summer and go to summer school and work for Milt. All of this instead of working for Southwestern. Joe is going to be upset, and i really do like him alot but i need to do this inorder to graduate in 5 years or so. I'm going to move in to an appartment over the summer, which i'm excited about. I think this summer is going to be fun, hard work but fun. *nods* Though i'm going to miss playing in the church band and hanging out with my friends. I'll miss alot of things...but i'll be back in h-town for my brother's birthday, at least that is what i anticipate.

Yes, i've been busy lately...lots and lots of art projects and english papers. I have two, on-the-side projects that i need to start working on. Rachel is comming into town tomorrow. We are going to have fun. She'll be a freshman next year. Either who, i've been a busy girl. *nods and huggles*

miss you all!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, so busy. But, I'm jealous of you still being in college XD


12:37 AM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... Road trip to Lubbock. Hink and Mook are coming down end of May I think, so we may pop over. I'll talk to them and see what they think and if my parents think its okay.
It'll be nice that you'll have an appartment, so we won't be all squished in a dorm.
Religion, when you think about it, is very forgiving and encompassing. It's the people who practice it that are the hard noses, who refuse to accept others.

6:08 PM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think too much. -_- Where do you get the brain power for these sorts of things? a...ha...ha...

The easiest thing to do? Quit caring. It works wonders. Become vague and happy like me. :)

11:15 PM, April 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allison! It's me, Susanne, your bandmate from WTBC! Yes, it's 3:29am, and I'm not asleep. I have a sick toddler and a baby who just woke me up an hour ago, so now I'm too awake to go back to sleep. :( I'll try again in a bit. I know just what you mean about wishing that we would be more concerned about glorifying God through our music than with sound systems. I've thought the same thing myself. It's always refreshing to visit my in-laws' small country church back in Tennessee. They don't have an order of service...they just walk to the front and sing/play if they feel led to. The pastor always asks if anyone has anything on their heart, and then people just walk up and sing or play, whether anyone accompanies them or not. I know that probably wouldn't work in a large church, but it would be refreshing. I know, though, that music ministers feel all kinds of pressure to make sure that the music sounds "right" / balanced to the congregation. I'm sure people call the church all the time complaining that something was too loud or not loud enough. We should keep praying for Christian churches everywhere that we don't get so wrapped up in the details of the service that we lose sight of why we're there worshipping in the first place. I really enjoyed reading your post.
I've never been to Lubbock, but I encourage you to try some different churches to see if there's one that you could tolerate! :) I started going to a church when I was a freshman away at college, but I should've visited some different ones to see where I fit in best. By my Junior year, I wasn't very involved in the church anymore because I wasn't close to anyone in the college group. I went to the service most Sundays, but I really missed the fellowship that I had when I was going to Sunday School, etc. Looking back, I regret not being more involved in a church/Christian group in my college town. I wish I had chosen my circle of friends more wisely...might have saved me some heartache. I'm not preaching...just relating my experiences. When you look back at your life, you have this urge to try to keep others from making your mistakes! But we're different people, and what's right for me might not be right for you. I hope you're having a great Summer so far! We miss you!! I'll look forward to playing with you again soon. :)

3:39 AM, June 22, 2006  

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