The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

My Photo
Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


(quick post...have to leave soon for class)

Wisdom. That is what i propose to you. What is it?! Its much more than knowledge, but it is not less. Something that i have noticed that when i comment in my friend Seth's blog, most of my reponces tend to be juvenille in comparison to alot of the other people there. I know most of this is due to the point i am one of the younger, if not the youngest, poster there. I have not lived or experianced as much as everybody else, but does that make my comments any less important? It was something that i ran into when i was dating Joey. I was looked down upon several times because i was young and "inexperianced". Wisdom, comes with experiance and age alike...but also respect. I remember when i was at a youth retreat in Alabama, and one of my adult leaders was trying to corner me with theology. The point he presented was if we are all called to be deciples of Christ and to preach to the convert (sow the harvest), why don't we do it? I answered, because we are not all called to be preachers. He then spewed out a Bible verse at me. I responded to him stating that, some of us are called to plant the seeds, others to nurture, and then others yet to harvest. He paused and looked at me, nodded and then walked off. Later that day, i told my youth paster at the time about that and he said, "thats interesting...there are not many times when a child can make an adult leader think." WHY?! Why is that? I was only 16 or so at the time, but how much of an effect did i have on that adult leader? Probally not much, but i pointed out a "flaw" in his thinking. Why is that so unusual? Did i have wisdom at that one moment, ordained by God? How can one learn and grow in wisdom if there is not a form of respect on either end of participants...the student and the teacher. So my question to you, is what is wisdom and where can it truly be found?


PS: the picture is "Allegory of Wisdom and Strength" by Paolo Veronese c. 1580

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Love and Life of a College Student

hmmm...i don't feel so crappy today. I really don't know. Maybe its because of the long line of ass kickings i got from people i know, people i haven't talked to in several months, and even from people i don't know. Interestingly how things fall in place.

So i don't know who that 4000th person is? Maybe it was a computer randomly checking my blog, and because i have a random word protection on my comments, they couldn't make a comment...SO! the 4100th person, gets the blog entry. *nods*

So late late last night, like around 8 pm or so, a bunch of my friends and I went to a halloween store in town. It was interestinly big. I bought a pair of red and black arm warmers. I think i'm going to wear them tomorrow, along with a really awsome shirt i got at walmart for like 6 bucks. Its amazing the actually cool stuff you can find at walmart. I have found that alot of people think, "oh, walmart clothes...i'm too good for that" so they don't buy anything. SO nobody i have run into has my shirt! And it is a cool shirt. I've gotten alot of good complements on it. Anywhos. I'm sitting in the SUB (Student Union Building) and it has just occured to me, that it is such a beautiful day out today! And what do i get to do?! Spend the majority of it working on projects inside. YEAH!? *sighs* is the life of a college student. I'm already covered in saw-dust, because my 8 am today was in the woodshop. I think i've caught the attention of alot of the people who normally work in the woodshop...with my red hair...and that i'm a girl in there. I assume they don't get many girls in there, and then they don't get many girls who can hold thier own in the shop. Its cool.

Today is filled with papers and projects. So i really don't know what to say. Lots and lots of work. *nods* I better let you all go, for i want to screw around on the computer just a bit more before i leave for class, then buckle down to work.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Luscher Color Quiz

ColorQuiz.comReijn took the free personality test!

"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

The Washing Machine Looks Good to Me

I reallly don't know how to describe how i feel right now. Overwhelmed? Stressed? Sick? Dead? Dying? I really don't know, but what i do know is that this is really starting to hurt me. I got my ass kicked last night. And i'm still nursing the bruses i recieved on my bum. All in a metaphorical sense. The steps that i have to take inorder to make myself into a better person...and to actually find myself...are hard steps and big ones. I'm not quite sure if i am ready. My body is telling me otherwise, but at the same time...i don't know if i want to take those steps. Its something i need to do. I really am not quite sure...those bruses really hurt, but so does my aching side, my emotions, my thought process, and the weird feeling i feel inside when i sit down. I am in physical, emotional, and mental pain right now. And I don't know what to do with it.

On a more happy note: Tech won against SE Louisiana 62-0. Very beautiful. Next week is Texas A&M. We'll see how well that goes. The Goin' Band is traveling there. I'm not looking forward to that. I don't have time to be going on these band trips...i just don't have the time for it right now! Way too much work. Sleep?! What is that?! God, i feel like shit. I really feel bad...and honestly, its a "bad" that i've never felt before.

So right now i'm sitting in the SUB, and i am surrounded by guys. Some come and sat down near me, one was already here...but its surprising how close in proximity we are and NOBODY TALKS TO EACHOTHER. Now, i know this is an area to study, but an occasional "hi" would be nice. (as i was writing that last sentence another guy came and sat down, filling up the cubby inwhich i am sitting in with males and me...the one piece of estrogen here...though one is getting ready to i smell of estrogen or something?!) Maybe i do need to meet new people?! I don't know...something needs to change thats for sure. But honestly, i don't want to be around people...i just want to watch TV and write or draw. BLEH...that is all this entry really is...bleh.

everything is bleh right now....but i thought my readers deserved an update. I respect all of you way too much.

One last thing...that 4000th person is comming up quickly...who will it be? As a reminder...that person will get a special post for them. And if i accedentally check my blog and its me...I will post something, and the first person to post a responce in my comments page will get the special post.


PS: the picture is of me and tyler from the SEL game

Friday, September 22, 2006

Great Assests

I found a hero. Michelangelo. Yes, the painter. He was an ass...but i think that's what makes him great...his ass-like qualities. He knew he was a great artist. He broke his nose in a fight when he was in school. What happened was that they were all studying Masaccio's paintings and Michelangelo pronounced that his paintings were better. That merited him a broken nose. Another thing is that he did was not friends with Leonardo, nor was he that much of a fan of Raphael, Leonardo's apprentice. Eitherwhos, he was doing a commissioned piece for the Manici family's tomb. He did a portiat of one of the family members, but it didn't look like him. Michelangelo got alot of trouble out of that, and he replied, "in 100 years nobody is going to remember this guy, but they are going to remember that I am the artist." I LOVE that! Also, he consumned his life with art. He even talked back to the pope because of his excentricness. BEAUTIFUL! I love it. A new hero.

well, to appease amanda...i thought that i would state, i write down what comes to me...literally. This usually is my thought process...random and ammusing.

So i realized something last week...that relationships suck. I don't know why i keep up with them. I'm not going to go into detail, but I learned how much that a person cares for me but at the same time doesn't. It was touching. And it was pointed out to me that I needed something better--something normal. But i don't know what normal is anymore. I wish i did know.

I think i'm going to spend the majority of the day in the woodshop working on my art project. Oh, i've been sneezing for three days straight...but i'm finally sleeping well, and eating somewhat normal meals at somewhat normal intervals. So, i'll take the trade-off.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Toilet SOAP

So....i guess i need to get some boring stuff out of the way before i start this blog entry. So, if you are going to comment and you don't have a Blogger, please sign your name or psudo-name at the bottom so i know who you are. I would really like to know who is leaving me these wonderful comments. Second thing is, i least i force myself to eat and then supposedly i'm supposed to feel good...but usually i just feel bad. I'm eating a maccaroni salad right now, its not too bad. Also, i get about 6 hours of sleep everyday, not including the allusive nap that I may or maynot sneek in. Its not that i'm not sleeping, its that i'm not sleeping well. And if I am question is why? Because i sure don't know.

Anywhos, moving on. Shit...this cassarol isn't settling well. This sucks. Oh well, either whos. I think i'm supposed to be realizing something important but i can't think of it right now. I don't know what it is though. Kinda sucks. Oh i blog entry.

So i walk alot around campus. Especially in the mornings. I have all 8 am classes. So my schedule consists of me driving to campus, walking to Starbucks on campus, ordering my Carmel Mocciatto Grande Not-Too-Sweet, then walking to either the Arch. building or the Art building for my first class of the day. Well, the way the Tech campus is set up, i have to walk a straight line on the edge of campus to the other side of where i parked and got coffee. WIth a brisk walk it usually takes me about 7 min. to get to class on time. I do alot of thinking early in the morning. Mostly because i don't want to think about anything else, and there is usually barely anyone on campus that early. Its oddly enjoyable. So, I was walking to class and i passed by 6-8 guys in a row. That is alot of guys in such a small amount of time. Then i remembered that Tech has a 2-1 ratio of men vs. women. Interesting, yet I really can't get a non-shy guy to talk to me. Usually the best ones are the ones that don't talk to you, and that sucks. Now, i'm not talking romatically, but developing an awsome friendship. But it seems to me that lives have become materialistic. Most girls want the guy who is tall dark and handsom, or is tall lean and blonde. Most guys want the calm reserved slim body brunette, or the slim swimsuit model blonde. What is up with this shit! I mean honestly. How many people do you honestly know and are friends with that look like that and have an awsome personality?! I sure don't. Maybe one or two but that's about it. Mostly because THEY DON'T EXIST!!! What a concept. At Tech, most guys are running after that sorority chick who wears all the right and stupid things, or that punk rock girl who doesn't give a damn about what she says and smoked a joint before class. I have noticed that there are two major "groups" of people here at Tech: Faturnity/Sorority Sluts, and Emo/Punk Rock Sex Fiends. Normal people do not exist here. Either people are too ignorant, or choose to be too ignorant. Its sad and pathetic. I really don't understand...maybe i should, or maybe i need to stop being so appathetic towards people. Honestly, i couldn't give a damn...but i do. People are so fake, and the guys and the girls alike here suck. No one i have met here hasn't tried to put on an image. The only image that i put on is a "good girl" and "GO RED RAIDERS" thing....only because i have to. Bleh. People need to not care about image and totally push to be excentric and unique. Life would be so much more interesting if people did that. (which leads me to the point that I don't date plain, or borring people for that exast would suck).

On a more happy note...i think i have walked into every female bathroom in the English Building...or just about. I don't know why i should be proud of that idea, but the fact is that its the english building and that i live there, and that every freakin' bathroom looks the same...and I've been in every single one! *shrugs* I know, but who cares...I thought it was interesting at least. Oh, and i like the last stall in each bathroom....something about more room and more privacy makes me feel more secure. There is too much of a "peeping" gap in the doors in the other stalls. You know what i mean, the little space between the doors and the walls...where some person walking by can get a good glimps of you with your pants down trying to take care of buisness...all just because they wanted to know if the stall was occupied or not. I usually put my book bag on the peg on the door inorder to block that "peeping" gap, just enough so people can't see whether i squat or sit.


PS: I just downloaded Elton John's new CD! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dull Dull and more Dull

something that ammazes me, is that Facebook is freakin' slow when posting my blog entries. I really don't know why, mostly because i think they are bums. I think the world is a bum, but what can I say?

I feel sick. The smell of food makes me sick. I force myself to eat because i know i need to eat, but most of the time all i want to do is sleep. I am always tired. Honestly, all i want to do is drink a thing of juice and sleep...maybe read or watch some TV. I don't think this is very healthy. And honestly, i don't know what is wrong. Tyler kicked my ass last night and told me some reasons to why he believes that i feel this way. He's probally right...and if he his, i'm...well, bleh. That is the best way i can describe it. Bleh...bleh...bleh....*shrugs*

So, i have to write a nother poem today. This time it has to be a narrative poem. I realized something the other day while i was working on my research poem. I write narratively with a touch of lyric. That is my natural state of writing. So pretty much, i just need to write a poetic story! YEAH! Shoot me now. Ok, i guess Tyler and Joey are right...i'm depressed and I honestly do not know why. I feel sick. I feel very tired and I do not want to go to band rehursal. *thunk*

So i want to talk about something of significance, but i really don't feel like it. I guess. this all goes back to the idea that life is monotomous and repetitive. Its really starting to get to me. Not many things make me smile anymore. I tend to pretend to smile or force one out, being the crazy happy Reijn that everybody knows and loves. I guess the only people who truly understand that i'm not that way right now is Tyler and Joey. Sad. I know. I know.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Even I Can Catch!

i can't believe how close to 4000 hits i am. And to my facebook readers...the counter is on the original publishing blog. If you want to check it out its:
My offer still stands...the 4000th person gets a special blog entry....and no, Ben, you can't cheat...still.
Well the TCU vs Texas Tech game is still fresh in everybody's mind. We lost...horribly. 12-3 TCU. I screamed my head was so bad. I think we have forgotten how to play a ball game. We couldn 't catch, cover, or throw the stinkin' ball. It was a sad thing...a very sad thing indeed. Sleep was just a whim of the imagination. Tyler and I made very good pillows out of eachother. I slept on him, he slept on me...we were both cranky. It was just a horrible trip all together. If you have any friends in the Goin' Band...ask them...i'm tired of talking about it. It just sucked...all round.

I looked at myself in the mirror today before my second class of the day. I looked horrible. Baggy eyes, root-showing hair, pale skin...the entire nine yards...i look bad. I'm worn out and its only a monday. Doesn't life suck ass? It usually does. I'm just not getting enough sleep at night, and i'm reallly not quite sure. Even when i do get alot of sleep, i still feel very tired. Something is not quite right. I'm not getting enough sleep, not really eating...not really wanting to be social...and loosing weight. My pants are looser and my belt is having to take in another notch. This really can't be good.

Tan called me the other day. He reminded me that i need to get a website up and going...anybody knowledgeable in coding? I can provide everything else...i just need someone to do the coding and technical things for me. *nods*


I was walking to class this morning and i noticed something in the grass. The dew made the already browning green grass a light shade, but in the midst of it was a distinct dark curve...two by two splotches...continuing on the concrete dark stains of someone's wet steps. What made this interesting was that those were the only markings in the dewy grass. Someone walked through the grass, plain and simple. But the beauty of it was that ONE person walked through the grass. And it was way before 8:00 this morning. I couldn't tell if this person was in a hurry to get to class early, or they were just too lazy to take the walk way right next to him, or even the dirt beatten path in the grassy knowl. This person walked in the grass...and only this person. Everbody around me took the concrete sidewalk. I don't really know why this struck me so oddly, but it did. On top of that i really couldn't grasp the concept if this person was lazy or just didn't care...maybe it is a combination of the two. I think its really the fact that i'm so tired and out of it, that i really can't grasp anything that is simple, and simply i'm thinking in a very metaphorical state...which scares me. I really don't want to think about what i think about when i, for some act of God, take drugs or something. *sighs* eitherwhos...i have alot on my plate right now, and...who knows what i'll spit out tomorrow.

So until then, annon!


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Soul DDR

I have decided that spendinging Friday night to Saturday morning with a bunch of friends is completely insane. SInce for band we have to be at the music hall at 5 in the morning most of the Goin' Band has decided to stay up all night long...including my group of friends. We are staying all night long...doing what?! Playing Guitar Hero...watching movies and movies, AND playing Soul Calibar 3 with a DDR pad. NO JOKE! I sit here with Rachel's butt wiggling all in front of my face. I can't really say anything else, mostly because i'm being distracted by Rachel "dancing" in front of me. It makes me feel...uhhh...uncomfortable. i still haven't gotten any work done in the ideas of homework. Bleh...homework. So...i think i may try to get some done on the bus tomorrow. Probally not...i'm probally going to sleep and sleep...and oh...sleep! Sounds good doesn't it?! On top of that...Sunday?! sleep...but i need to do homework. That says something though...i'm writing this blog entry that doesn't make any sense at all, because i'm so tired...and i should be working on my homework instead...yeah, not happening though. Bleh...i think i may sneek some sleep in tonight...sounds good to me....i think...i really don't know what sounds good anymore, i'm so tired and out of it...but that's ok. *nods* Well, its one in the morning and I have 4 more hours...i think i can do this! *huggles*


Friday, September 15, 2006


i'm reaching 4000 hits! So...if you are the 4000th person notify me and i'll write a special blog entry about you. (Ben, you can't cheet...sorry).

So, i think i'm getting old. I wake up at 6:15 am everyday then i go to bed around midnight or 11. When i hit the bed, I am out cold. Derek always complains that he doesn't get to spend time with me anymore because i sleep. I am starting to feel like my mom. Wake up early...go to bed early...rinse and repeat. I wake up and I feel exausted...I don't think i'm sleeping well...or i'm not getting enough sleep and its starting to catch up with me. I am quicly learning that there are not enough hours in the day to get things done. I took some pictures of myself with my macbook pro today in class...and i look like makeup, large droopy eyes with the sacks, my hair in dissaray underneath a hair clip. I looked like hell..i really did. I think i need a day of pampering and relaxation. Things are only going to get worse, especially since my schedule for tomorrow is hell. I really don't know what to do anymore...i'm way too tired for myown good...and hungry. I'm really not living the way i should be...i'm not eating, sleeping, and doing lots of exercize...i think i'm crazy.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


speed post. I really need to get back in the habit of writing an entry everyday...just for the hell of writing. Hell, i'm a technical writer...i need to get use to the idea...again. I've noticed that i have alot more readers than i realized. Now that facebook "co-publishes" my writings i have facebook friends and my blog buddies reading this. Interesting isn't it. I like people reading my thoughts. I guess this is where i introduce my facebook friends and my new readers to why i have this blog:

"The Life that I Learn By" is part of a quote that i picked up off of a movie. Glenn Close says in anger, "I believe that we live by two lives, the life that we learn by and the life that we live by." Think about it for a second...for another for another...good. What did you come up with?! It struck a cord with me. I realized that it is very true. Eventhough there are two lives that we live, it doesn't mean that they don't interlock and interact. That is one purpose of my blog. To write down realizations and lessons that i learn in my two lives in hopes that other people will identify and/or learn themselves. I am a strong believer in the idea that we learn, even if it is a little bit, from other people's experiances. This is to help me and my wonderful readers.

The second point to my blog is the idea that i write...i love to write...however much it may be. There are many times (and my loyal readers can attest to this) that I don't always write comprehensively. I'm just writing to get shit on the fucking screen. Yes, i do curse...and i do get angry, depressed, or overly happy on this thing. It may be too much, but this is my form of journaling. Yeah yeah yeah, i could go out and buy a journal from Barns and Noble and write down the most intiment secrets that i have...but i just bought a 2000 dollar journal that i plan to use. I love my Mac.

I also ramble....oh if you know me, and my dear friends do...i ramble. I ramble alot...this is the place inwhich that i am able to do that. Oh, along those lines, i am a strong believer in words and adjectives...when i'm really trying to write and not spout something out.

Well, that is all i have to say on this subject...i hope that you all enjoy the next mass of blog entries! *huggles*


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


the 100th post...amazing.

Its amazing how life can become so stale. And by stale i mean, not necessarily exciting...but dull. I mentioned to Joey awhile back asking, "Do you feel incomplete when your soul is not in your art?" And he replied, "yes, that is what happens when you are in the wrong place in your life." I couldn't have agreed with him more. I just got off the phone with a dear dear friend of mine, Adam. I had neglected to enlighten him on my life for the past 6 months. So i gave him the condenced version in about 30 min. By the end of it all, all i could say was...i'm content but yet I am not. I feel stale...very stagnent with life. Now, don't get me wrong...i enjoy my relationship with Derek, and I also enjoy my friend's company along with most of my major classes. But i am taking several classes that are not my forte and make me feel very out of place...especially since they deal with my majors. Its kinda disheartening.

I really don't have much to say this round, purely for the fact that i'm tired, hungry, and have relationship obligations inwhich i need to attend to.

...and to my readers...i would love a responce! We could even get a discussion started with every would be intereting.


Monday, September 11, 2006

A Love Letter

To my dear Husband,

I love you. I love you so much, more than words can ever give justice to the feeling that i have for you. You are more than any poem or poet can ever conjure up. I lie in bed, staring at the cieling, wishing for your embrace and for your breath to gently caress my neck like a quite metranome. I long for you.

My dear dear love, how do i long for you. I long for you more than any human heart is capable of wishing for a person. I want you. My body, my heart, my every being, aches for your embrace. I want you more than i want anything that pertains to my well being. If it ment starving myself or depriving myself of air so that you would run to my rescue...i would do it.

My wish for you is that you love me more than life itself. That there are no conditions to our pain...nothing. That even with all my flaws, that they make you smile and that i am perfect in your eyes. I wish for you, that my one glance in your direction makes your skin tingle with contentness...knowing that i am yours and only yours...that i would never leave you. My hope for you is that i am everything that you ever wished for and then some....that i can fullfill every dream and wish that you have ever wanted. My wish for you is that I am perfect. There is no "wrong" in our relationship...there is nothing but love, blind and beautiful love.

I can't tell you how many times that I wish that you would come along now. I can't tell you how many times that i wish that you could rescue me from the hurt and the pain that relationships inflict upon my already fragil emotions. I want you now, i want you to save me now so that i will not have to hurt and suffer and work through the pain ever again. I want you to hold me and whisper in my ear telling me that I am safe, that I am ok, and that you will always be her with my hurting side.

I can't tell you enough how much that I love you and yearn for you. Just you. No conditions and no changes. Just you. You are perfect anything different would be a flaw. You. Please come soon, for I don't know how much longer i can stand the constant rollercoaster that we tend to call life.

I love you.

Your Future Wife:

Thursday, September 07, 2006


If you respond to this post...
1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you
8. If you participate, you must post this on your Blog

20 Full Years

Well, I have reached the two decade mark...with mixed feelings. I'm getting older, yet I'm still very much a kid.

The morning was full of lots and lots of text messaged and phone calls from friends. Honestly, they would not let me sleep! I was getting text messaged at 3 in the morning! It was crazy! When i finally crawled into the car to drive to school, what comes on the radio? The Texas Tech Fight Song. A song that i know by heart, ten fold, and not what i want to hear after a rough night. I walk to class actually enjoying the morning weather. As of lately mornings have been cool and brisk with just a slight breeze giving hits of a beautiful day ahead. In my Design II class, the text messages did not stop and neither did my frustration with my project. I have realized something...that my heart and my soul is not in this project, therefore, this project is not going to come close to the potential of which i can preform art. Its quite depressing actually.

The day continues on with a short break between Design II and marching band. I was able to slowly get through marching band. Some of the sets i have to march are very demanding on my ankle and does not feel good at all. (i have a sprained ankle, and a hole in my other foot/heel). Went to lunch and laughed with all of my band friends and non band friends. I enjoyed it emensuly. Then, off to Toys-R-Us, with Tyler, Corey, and Rachel.

At Toys-R-Us, we ran around the store like little kids and played with all the toys we could get our hands on. I felt like i was 7 years old, once again. Tyler bought me a My Little Pony toy. Its so cute and fun! Its awsome. Really! Its the small things in life that are the happiest. From the toy store i took Corey to go pick up his car from the shop and then on to Derek's place.

The entire house was booming with a musical jam. PJ, Derek and Brian were all jamming out when Tyler and I walked in. I bee-lined to my flute and started to fill in where i could. I sat down and showed everyone my toy, and everyone shook their head at me knowing it was perfect. Corey and Rachel showed up a bit later and presented thier presents. Corey got me one of those music creatures that also plays your iPod. Rachel got me a Shi-Ra DVD! Freakin' A! Those two are too awsome! Every one of my friends are amazing!

The day is not over, yet the day had just begun...and i can't wait to see what is in store for us all! I love my friends and my compulsive mother...well sorta...either has been an interesting 20 years so far. It only is going to get worse! *laughs* Everything goes down hill from here, right?! *shrugs* only time will tell!

Best of wishes to you all! And lots and lots of HUGGLES!!!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In 24 hours...

Its my birthday tomorrow...and i'm turning 20. *sighs* I'm old yet young at the same time. I told Joey that he's an old man, since he and I are almost 10 years apart to the month. Almost. Either way. I'm sleepy-tired...and i'm going to rest now...i'll probally chat all about my birthday tomorrow or the next. *nods and huggles*


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Drip Drop

rain rain rain rain rian...
Not cool...i don't like rain, that's a perk about living in doesn't rain...well unless you get a random cold spell comming through the area. *shrugs*

We had our first football game of the season agains SMU. It was interesting. My grandmother went to SMU, so it was interesting to see the traditions that she did when she was in college. Half-Time was fine. I've been marching on a sprained ankle but what can I do what you have to do. I'm such a band kid, its not even funny. The only thing that will keep me from not doing band is if i cannot get out of bed or cannot physically preform. *nods*

hmmmm...i should put up a picture right now...but i really don't feel like it. I took care of my beautiful and cute hedgehog. I finally named her: Tessarose. Its such a good name for her. Wow...i'm shaking...the caffene is really getting to me from this coffee i drank. Anywhos, i need to go...derek and PJ are getting irritated at me. TTYL!


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Soggie Doggie

It continues to rain...and what does the Goin' Band do? Marches...and marches and marches. By the end of rehursal we all look like pathetic drenched animals. I had to turn on my heater for the first time this year. Yes, it is September 2nd and I turned on the heater to my car. That is a very scary thought. Anywho, i had something profound to write about, but i had totally forgotten that one too. Anywho, i'm headed off for a nap before the football game tonight!
