Even I Can Catch!

i can't believe how close to 4000 hits i am. And to my facebook readers...the counter is on the original publishing blog. If you want to check it out its: http://elfenmuse.blogspot.com.
My offer still stands...the 4000th person gets a special blog entry....and no, Ben, you can't cheat...still.
Well the TCU vs Texas Tech game is still fresh in everybody's mind. We lost...horribly. 12-3 TCU. I screamed my head off...it was so bad. I think we have forgotten how to play a ball game. We couldn 't catch, cover, or throw the stinkin' ball. It was a sad thing...a very sad thing indeed. Sleep was just a whim of the imagination. Tyler and I made very good pillows out of eachother. I slept on him, he slept on me...we were both cranky. It was just a horrible trip all together. If you have any friends in the Goin' Band...ask them...i'm tired of talking about it. It just sucked...all round.
I looked at myself in the mirror today before my second class of the day. I looked horrible. Baggy eyes, root-showing hair, pale skin...the entire nine yards...i look bad. I'm worn out and its only a monday. Doesn't life suck ass? It usually does. I'm just not getting enough sleep at night, and i'm reallly not quite sure. Even when i do get alot of sleep, i still feel very tired. Something is not quite right. I'm not getting enough sleep, not really eating...not really wanting to be social...and loosing weight. My pants are looser and my belt is having to take in another notch. This really can't be good.
Tan called me the other day. He reminded me that i need to get a website up and going...anybody knowledgeable in coding? I can provide everything else...i just need someone to do the coding and technical things for me. *nods*

So until then, annon!
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