Soul DDR

I have decided that spendinging Friday night to Saturday morning with a bunch of friends is completely insane. SInce for band we have to be at the music hall at 5 in the morning most of the Goin' Band has decided to stay up all night long...including my group of friends. We are staying all night long...doing what?! Playing Guitar Hero...watching movies and movies, AND playing Soul Calibar 3 with a DDR pad. NO JOKE! I sit here with Rachel's butt wiggling all in front of my face. I can't really say anything else, mostly because i'm being distracted by Rachel "dancing" in front of me. It makes me feel...uhhh...uncomfortable. i still haven't gotten any work done in the ideas of homework. Bleh...homework. So...i think i may try to get some done on the bus tomorrow. Probally not...i'm probally going to sleep and sleep...and oh...sleep! Sounds good doesn't it?! On top of that...Sunday?! sleep...but i need to do homework. That says something though...i'm writing this blog entry that doesn't make any sense at all, because i'm so tired...and i should be working on my homework instead...yeah, not happening though. Bleh...i think i may sneek some sleep in tonight...sounds good to me....i think...i really don't know what sounds good anymore, i'm so tired and out of it...but that's ok. *nods* Well, its one in the morning and I have 4 more hours...i think i can do this! *huggles*
fuck that. get some sleep.
with love, an intelligent person.
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