20 Full Years

Well, I have reached the two decade mark...with mixed feelings. I'm getting older, yet I'm still very much a kid.
The morning was full of lots and lots of text messaged and phone calls from friends. Honestly, they would not let me sleep! I was getting text messaged at 3 in the morning! It was crazy! When i finally crawled into the car to drive to school, what comes on the radio? The Texas Tech Fight Song. A song that i know by heart, ten fold, and not what i want to hear after a rough night. I walk to class actually enjoying the morning weather. As of lately mornings have been cool and brisk with just a slight breeze giving hits of a beautiful day ahead. In my Design II class, the text messages did not stop and neither did my frustration with my project. I have realized something...that my heart and my soul is not in this project, therefore, this project is not going to come close to the potential of which i can preform art. Its quite depressing actually.
The day continues on with a short break between Design II and marching band. I was able to slowly get through marching band. Some of the sets i have to march are very demanding on my ankle and does not feel good at all. (i have a sprained ankle, and a hole in my other foot/heel). Went to lunch and laughed with all of my band friends and non band friends. I enjoyed it emensuly. Then, off to Toys-R-Us, with Tyler, Corey, and Rachel.
At Toys-R-Us, we ran around the store like little kids and played with all the toys we could get our hands on. I felt like i was 7 years old, once again. Tyler bought me a My Little Pony toy. Its so cute and fun! Its awsome. Really! Its the small things in life that are the happiest. From the toy store i took Corey to go pick up his car from the shop and then on to Derek's place.
The entire house was booming with a musical jam. PJ, Derek and Brian were all jamming out when Tyler and I walked in. I bee-lined to my flute and started to fill in where i could. I sat down and showed everyone my toy, and everyone shook their head at me knowing it was perfect. Corey and Rachel showed up a bit later and presented thier presents. Corey got me one of those music creatures that also plays your iPod. Rachel got me a Shi-Ra DVD! Freakin' A! Those two are too awsome! Every one of my friends are amazing!
The day is not over, yet the day had just begun...and i can't wait to see what is in store for us all! I love my friends and my compulsive mother...well sorta...either way...it has been an interesting 20 years so far. It only is going to get worse! *laughs* Everything goes down hill from here, right?! *shrugs* only time will tell!
Best of wishes to you all! And lots and lots of HUGGLES!!!
I know this is late, but HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Hope it was great. Sounds like the toy store was fun! :)
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