My Toilet SOAP

So....i guess i need to get some boring stuff out of the way before i start this blog entry. So, if you are going to comment and you don't have a Blogger, please sign your name or psudo-name at the bottom so i know who you are. I would really like to know who is leaving me these wonderful comments. Second thing is, i least i force myself to eat and then supposedly i'm supposed to feel good...but usually i just feel bad. I'm eating a maccaroni salad right now, its not too bad. Also, i get about 6 hours of sleep everyday, not including the allusive nap that I may or maynot sneek in. Its not that i'm not sleeping, its that i'm not sleeping well. And if I am question is why? Because i sure don't know.
Anywhos, moving on. Shit...this cassarol isn't settling well. This sucks. Oh well, either whos. I think i'm supposed to be realizing something important but i can't think of it right now. I don't know what it is though. Kinda sucks. Oh i blog entry.
So i walk alot around campus. Especially in the mornings. I have all 8 am classes. So my schedule consists of me driving to campus, walking to Starbucks on campus, ordering my Carmel Mocciatto Grande Not-Too-Sweet, then walking to either the Arch. building or the Art building for my first class of the day. Well, the way the Tech campus is set up, i have to walk a straight line on the edge of campus to the other side of where i parked and got coffee. WIth a brisk walk it usually takes me about 7 min. to get to class on time. I do alot of thinking early in the morning. Mostly because i don't want to think about anything else, and there is usually barely anyone on campus that early. Its oddly enjoyable. So, I was walking to class and i passed by 6-8 guys in a row. That is alot of guys in such a small amount of time. Then i remembered that Tech has a 2-1 ratio of men vs. women. Interesting, yet I really can't get a non-shy guy to talk to me. Usually the best ones are the ones that don't talk to you, and that sucks. Now, i'm not talking romatically, but developing an awsome friendship. But it seems to me that lives have become materialistic. Most girls want the guy who is tall dark and handsom, or is tall lean and blonde. Most guys want the calm reserved slim body brunette, or the slim swimsuit model blonde. What is up with this shit! I mean honestly. How many people do you honestly know and are friends with that look like that and have an awsome personality?! I sure don't. Maybe one or two but that's about it. Mostly because THEY DON'T EXIST!!! What a concept. At Tech, most guys are running after that sorority chick who wears all the right and stupid things, or that punk rock girl who doesn't give a damn about what she says and smoked a joint before class. I have noticed that there are two major "groups" of people here at Tech: Faturnity/Sorority Sluts, and Emo/Punk Rock Sex Fiends. Normal people do not exist here. Either people are too ignorant, or choose to be too ignorant. Its sad and pathetic. I really don't understand...maybe i should, or maybe i need to stop being so appathetic towards people. Honestly, i couldn't give a damn...but i do. People are so fake, and the guys and the girls alike here suck. No one i have met here hasn't tried to put on an image. The only image that i put on is a "good girl" and "GO RED RAIDERS" thing....only because i have to. Bleh. People need to not care about image and totally push to be excentric and unique. Life would be so much more interesting if people did that. (which leads me to the point that I don't date plain, or borring people for that exast would suck).
On a more happy note...i think i have walked into every female bathroom in the English Building...or just about. I don't know why i should be proud of that idea, but the fact is that its the english building and that i live there, and that every freakin' bathroom looks the same...and I've been in every single one! *shrugs* I know, but who cares...I thought it was interesting at least. Oh, and i like the last stall in each bathroom....something about more room and more privacy makes me feel more secure. There is too much of a "peeping" gap in the doors in the other stalls. You know what i mean, the little space between the doors and the walls...where some person walking by can get a good glimps of you with your pants down trying to take care of buisness...all just because they wanted to know if the stall was occupied or not. I usually put my book bag on the peg on the door inorder to block that "peeping" gap, just enough so people can't see whether i squat or sit.
PS: I just downloaded Elton John's new CD! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your entries often are amusing in their absolute randomness. let me repeat: absolute. randomness. : )
like this whole toilet crack-in-the-door woman-peeper thing... have you had issues with that? maybe i just avoid the public bathrooms at all costs, and thus have never had that problem...
i should really be studying/ writing an essay. but i'm sick, so i'm taking my time getting started. it's amazing how colds are almost instantaneous: one minute you're perfectly fine, the next minute your throat has a scratchy/achy thing going on, the next minute your nose is running. And then a "night of good sleep" just seems to exacerbate the problem, so that when you wake up your nose is utterly clogged, your throat is a screaming fire of raw flesh, and I'm complaining on your comment wall, aren't I?
damn. my personality is slowly dissolving into some sort of complacent pessimism.
At any rate... I thought I'd respond to your random entry with a random comment... I was watching an Evanescence music video of horrific quality on youtube and lead singer Amy Lee has some sort of quality remniscient of you. Beyond the obvious hair likeness, I think it's something about how she moves and the concepts she pushes in her videos. Maybe.
K. Moving on. I'm actually going to try calling you this weekend... hopefully this time it works out... but only if I can get words out of my mouth without sounding froggish or phlegmy. We'll see how it goes. I don't know how long and how far I'm going to have to go down before I can start going up.
I need to quit typing here and transfer my energies to my Chaucer essay, due tomorrow at 10 am. Farewell. : /
I have also noticed the crack in the bathroom stalls!! Too funny. The backpack placement is a great idea...I do that with my purse or HUGE diaper bag. :)
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