Dull Dull and more Dull

something that ammazes me, is that Facebook is freakin' slow when posting my blog entries. I really don't know why, mostly because i think they are bums. I think the world is a bum, but what can I say?
I feel sick. The smell of food makes me sick. I force myself to eat because i know i need to eat, but most of the time all i want to do is sleep. I am always tired. Honestly, all i want to do is drink a thing of juice and sleep...maybe read or watch some TV. I don't think this is very healthy. And honestly, i don't know what is wrong. Tyler kicked my ass last night and told me some reasons to why he believes that i feel this way. He's probally right...and if he his, i'm...well, bleh. That is the best way i can describe it. Bleh...bleh...bleh....*shrugs*
So, i have to write a nother poem today. This time it has to be a narrative poem. I realized something the other day while i was working on my research poem. I write narratively with a touch of lyric. That is my natural state of writing. So pretty much, i just need to write a poetic story! YEAH! Shoot me now. Ok, i guess Tyler and Joey are right...i'm depressed and I honestly do not know why. I feel sick. I feel very tired and I do not want to go to band rehursal. *thunk*
So i want to talk about something of significance, but i really don't feel like it. I guess. this all goes back to the idea that life is monotomous and repetitive. Its really starting to get to me. Not many things make me smile anymore. I tend to pretend to smile or force one out, being the crazy happy Reijn that everybody knows and loves. I guess the only people who truly understand that i'm not that way right now is Tyler and Joey. Sad. I know. I know.
You certainly sound depressed to me. Please go and talk to someone at the counseling center, or go to the doctor for a checkup, or just DO SOMETHING.
Many people love you and are praying for you.
institutionalized. that's what we are.
how many hours of sleep are you averaging a night? i need to introduce you to my good friend: the caffeine pill. : /
don't force yourself. do what you feel that you can. the nausea worries me more than the exhaustion (my natural state of being. people who don't seem to sleep are the people who really need help)-- take care of yourself, and make sure people you see daily are aware that you're less than 75% right now.
feel better. eat something. like some blueberries (they're high in something healthy right? antioxidants?) or drink some green tea. (does something else healthful. maybe improves the sheen of your skin? maybe i'm lying?) go eat/ drink right now.
and that's the end of my advice. :( The southern heritage in me suggests that you go eat a meal of entirely fried foods, but then again that selfsame heritage tends to kill people off by the time they're 55. heh... maybe you shouldn't be listening to me. in fact, i really wouldn't. google your symptoms. yes, that's the way.
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