The Red Balloon
Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.
About Me
- Name: Reijn of the Elfin Muse
- Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States
Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tuck Fexas

i hate refs....and Texas. bleh.
"Though Tech coach Mike Leach didn't mention specifics, he said there were "some things" that happened in the second that he was "not able to comment on," possibly referring to the officials' two spots.
"But I thought they were very detrimental to our effort," said Leach, who added it was his team's best game this season." --Sports (Texas Sized Comeback)
Monday, October 23, 2006
The original article "TV-hopefuls get 'Real' in the Hub City"

Whether it was the cold weather or the out-of-town football game that was to blame, Michael Sellers said the turnout for Saturday's MTV casting call for both "The Real World 19" and "Fresh Meat" was disappointing.
"I'm highly disappointed," said Sellers, who helped set up the day-long stretch of events. "This is the one chance Lubbock has to get on the map. It's the one chance for Lubbock to show its face."
The shooting location for the next "Real World" has yet to be determined, but with Lubbock being listed among the last of 20 cities involved in the casting call, casting agent Toby Ross said shooting decisions should be made fairly quickly.
For those who attended Saturday's casting call from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Daiquiri Lounge and Beer Gardens, Ross said the final decision for callbacks was made Saturday night.
"We weren't really disappointed in the turnout," Ross said.
Ross, who works for Bunim Murray, said 105 people attended the casting call throughout the day.
Emily Kovalcik, a senior finance major from Katy, said she came out to the casting call because all her friends told her she would make the perfect candidate.
"I was in my car going to a party, and as soon as I turned on the car, there was a break between songs, and I heard about the casting call," she said. "I thought it was funny, and they gave a number, and I called it."
Kovalcik said she was given a VIP pass for the event.
"I told all my friends," she said. "They were like, 'Yeah, you should go do it; you're crazy enough to be on the show.'"
Kovalcik said if she was chosen, she didn't expect to get much out of the experience other than a great vacation and new friends.
Stella Alvarez said she attended the open casting call because she has been watching the show since she was 8 years old.
"I'm obsessed with it," she said. "I think I'd be a badass character. I'd be the drama starter."
Evan Starkman, a former cast member from "Fresh Meat" and "Duel," said the casting agents are looking for specific roles to fill.
"I was the nice guy who would cheat on his girlfriend and f*** people over," he said.
Conversely, Ross said she was not looking for specific stereotypes when she met with the 105 applicants throughout the day.
"We were really just looking for the best people," she said. "We had some good people come out."
Ross said people drove all the way from Oklahoma City and San Antonio for the casting call.
The day's meet-and-greet session was at University Fountains, where previous cast members mingled with college hopefuls.
Casey Cooper, another cast member from "Fresh Meat" and "Duel," said being on the pair of MTV shows has opened many doors for her.
While she still attends college, she travels promoting the show to various cities. She said she's traveled to Brazil and Australia for photo shoots, as well other cities in the United States.
"I think it's a great opportunity," she said. "I thought it was cool just to be on TV, but you get a lot of opportunities after the show, too."
Cooper said she and her partner made it to the end of the show, winning $10,000.
Starkman said the lack of attention from the Texas Tech student body does not hurt anyone but the students.
"They're missing out on an opportunity for a lifetime," he said. "The 'Real World' is like a virus that infects your whole life."
Starkman said he has to return to class at Cornell University on Monday, but he said he enjoyed his time in the Hub City.
"I loved it," he said. "The most beautiful women in the country are here."
Sellers said Saturday's call was the second time in the past five years that MTV has headed to Lubbock for "Real World" casting calls.
"You know we come here and try to do something big and (people) don't show," he said.
Nicole Galleoto, a senior psychology major from Houston, said she simply came to the meet-and-greet for the food.
"I don't think this is that big of a deal," she said.
The Real World

Like every morning, I go to Starbucks and order a Carmel Mocciatto not too sweet then walk to class. I pick up a Daily Toreador and read the usually uninteresting articles in our conservative college newspaper. But today was alittle different. Something caught my eye. The title, "TV-hopefuls get 'Real' in the Hub City", actually made me read the entire article and not skim it. I had read on Friday's edition that the casting crew and last year's "stars" from "The Real World", "Fresh Meat", and "Duel" were showing up to conduct open castings for the new "Real World 19". (how can it be new if this is the 19th episode). It was interesting and I actually intertained the idea of showing up to one of the clubs and check it out. This is a big thing, since i do not like clubs nor do i like people. I entertained the idea and that was it. Saturday i slept. I enjoyed my day off from the Goin' Band. Sleeping was good.
When i picked up Monday's issue of the TD, i noticed a quote, "I am highly dissapointed. This is the one chance Lubbock has to get on the map. Its the one chance for Lubbock to show its face." "You know we come here and try to do something big and (people) don't show." (Sellers). In other words, not many people showed up. I applaud the Tech community for the first time. The entire article in the TD talked about how this was a once in a lifetime oppritunity, how it is life changing and that Lubbock blew it. All i have to say about it is, "good job Tech!" MTV is not my idea of life or oppritunity. Why is that? (that is what all you MTV watchers are asking right?) Because the "Real Life" is not real life. Real life is friends, family, arguements, dissagrements, love, sex, passion, hurt, pain...etc....and the list just continues. Real life is when you look into somebody's eyes and see that they are not telling you the truth, or that there is alot of pain behind that dark stare, or that smile is forced to the point the wearer doesn't remember what it feels like to really smile anymore. That is real life, not a TV drama sorostitue show. The fact that not many students (acutally just alittle over 100) showed up, shows that Texas Tech students have better things to do with thier time and energy then flounce the fact that they have big biceps, fake eyelashes, and no brain. For once, Tech showed that they are not a school about parties and hot girls but a school about earning a degree and watching Adult Swim. I can think of a hundred ways to spend my Saturday afternoons and usually involves the Goin' Band. None of those ways involve a reality TV show.
Good Job Tech. I applaud your one show of if we could work on fashion, especially during this halloween holiday, i would be a happy artist.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Stick with Picasso

ah update almost a week later. The following is not part of the main blog: so i have decided that i am not allowed happiness. I am not allowed to be fucking happy. So, today, i had gotten alot of sleep so i felt good. So good, that after class i took a shower and put on some makeup and actually smiled. Then, my mother called and yelled at me. I told her that i didn't want to yell or argue, but she continued to talk. I yelled and then she hung up on me. Today was also snake feeding day at Derek's house. So we went and bought some mice to feed to Buddy. Well, i fell in love with one and adopted it. I had to buy derek a new mouse. So this mouse and Tessarose are my children now. Derek laughs at me, he blames my maternal instincts. After that i let Tessie run around in the front yard for alittle while then i joined the band rehursal inside. I became the butt of the elitist guitar jokes. I'm getting tired of them. Yes i'm a flute player, sue me. Then Derek and I had a small fight over the fact that he believes that all of my guy friends are trying to get into my pants. Bleh, once i'm happy it is short lived. Done.
Now, the real post. I have come to the decision that i do not like Picasso. Yes, as an artist i said that. I believe he was just a good impersonist. He fell in love with the stone ceremonial statues in Africa and such. That is where most of his style comes from. He also studdied alittle in Paris where he picked up some of the impressionist style...again...good impersonator. The list continues. Now, don't get me wrong. I believe that he was a very talented artist who painted well...period. But, i also believe that he rarely got his own ideas. He copied. Now again, don't get me wrong, many artist do this...we do this to learn and develop our own style...its called influence. I don't believe Picasso was just influenced. I believe he was extreemly good at copying. He said himself, "as a child i painted like Raphael, but it took me a life time to paint like a child." Picasso had talent. And lots of it. Though, i don't believe he used it to the extent that it was intended to be. I think Picasso was like any other artist who was and is. He was excentric, crazy, and talented. That is it. He marketed himself well. I am not impressed by him, and i've seen originals in real life, in a private collection. I am not impressed...almost erked. Michelangelo...thats one thing to talk about, but not Picasso.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Texas Renaissance Festival 2006

Well, all i can say is that i feel great! My batteries have been re-charged and i'm ready for it all! I went down to the Texas Renaissance Festival this past weekend and it was wonderful! I had so much fun. Tyler, Cat, Rachel, Corey, Derek, and I all trecked down to Austin then to Plantersville. Here is our story:
Leaving Lubbock about an hour into the trip, we get pulled over by a highway patrol officer. He pulled us over because we were speeding...well, for the daytime we weren't. But it was night and we were speeding. We had to leave late from Lubbock because I had a band preformance to attend. The officer let us go with a warning, not without makeing Corey roll down the back windows and the officer shined his flashlight in my face. I was asleep, but sat up for the officer. He said, "Where are you guys headed?"
Corey: "Austin"
Officer: "from?"
Corey: "Lubbock"
Officer to me: "how are you?"
Me: "tired"
Officer: "only an hour on the road?"
Me: "I was asleep." (While i was wincing from the light)
He let us go with a warning. We think he was trying to nail college students smoking and doing drugs...we weren't doing either. But, he let us off...which was nice.
We continued on, with few hitches. I slept, but evidentally we almost ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. But we made it was ok. We hit Austin at around 4 am. We all stayed at Corey's house. We then got up around 8:30 and started getting ready. It took Rachel and I quite awhile to get dressed b/c we had makeup and ears to adorn ourselves with. Cat and Tyler met up with us at Corey's house (they stayed at cat's relative's house). Tyler got a speeding ticket in Lakeway...our second run-in with cops on this trip. We finally left Corey's house at 10:20 and went to a sandwitch shop. It was pretty good. From there we trecked to the TFR. Well, on our way, Corey didn't take the correct exit to get off of HWY 71 and onto (i think) 284. So we were on 71 for quite awhile, and then i realized that this wasn't right. We ended up tacking on a good 30 min or so to our trip, but it was ok. We got to the TFR around 2 pm. We spent the entire day there. Tyler and Cat branched off on thier own, while the rest of us did our own thing. We went to go see some of the Dead Bob show and some of Cast in most favorite musical act there! I have every one of his CDs. If you want a song i'll send it to you, just tell me. Oh, i failed to mention that I went as an elf, Rachel went as a faerie, Corey went as a Squire, and Derek went as Derek. So, we all wandered around and went from shop to shop. I showed Rachel some of my favorite shops. We bought earcuffs (of course) and miscelanious things. *grins* Around 4 or so we started getting hungry so we bought two turkey legs and sat and watched the jousting. Around this time, we were starting to wrap up everything...going back to stores that we liked and deciding what we want to purchase. Derek's parents emptied his bank account b/c they didn't want him to be there, so we all pitched in and helped him over the course of the weekend. I returned to one leatherworking shop and bought afew things, and rachel and Corey tried to find the fox tial place. (oh in the course of all of this, we took lots and lots of pictures) We wanted to find the town beggar, but we couldn't. Which dissapointed us. The guy is so funny, but on his weekday job he is a lawyer for a successful firm. Interesting hu?! Headed to the tail place, we skirtted by the enterance, and who do i stumble upon?!! They were there!!!! My favorite renaissance website EVER was at the TRF! OMG! I went crazy! Absolutely crazy. I ran over and was introduced to the man who makes all the clothes. I gave him a big hug. I was grinning from ear to ear, so excited that i couldn't contain myself. He seemed very pleased. He asked me if i wanted to try on anything, and i responded that i didn't have any money. Their clothes are expensive, but well made for the type of craftmanship they produce. He then said again, "would you like to try anything on?" I then nodded and he handed me off to one of thier employees. He said, "endulge this young lady in anything she wants." I was so happy. They first put me in a full length leather dress and skirt. One of the ladies went into the dressing room with me to help me. I felt like a true Lady. I'm glad that i am not ashamed to show myself in front of other people, because she did see me, but she had to inorder to help. I came out and looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. It looked amazing! They all hand picked the perfect dress for me....and it looked wonderful. Derek blushed. He liked it. We took pictures and gawked some more. I got lots and lots of complements. Then i tried on a bodice. That looked just as nice. I was helped by one of the family members on the website. It was funny. While i was getting dressed heads peaked in wondering what we were up to...male and female. I could so be part of this company...they looked like they were having so much fun! I came out and more gawking and more pictures. The guy who made everything, took pictures and said he would post them on their website. I can't wait to see them. Once i see them, i'll post them here. Oh we had so much fun. It made my night. They gave me a t-shirt and Derek bought a dagger. They didn't make him pay tax, which was very nice of them. It was funny: (i feel bad that i don't remember names)
Lady: "that will be 21.50
Derek: scrounging for the money that everybody gave him
Lady: looking up, "Oh for you guys it will just be 20" as she smiled.
Derek: handing her 20
Lady: "thank you, have a wonderful day, come back to see us"
Me: "of course! You all better come back next year"
Lady: "oh i think we will!"
I cannot convey in words how happy i was. It really made my night. It was honestly the best thing that happened the entire night...that and derek put a protective arm over me and said, "You are my elf, nobody can have you." It was sweet and romantic. Its amazing what happens at renaissance festivals. I have fallen in and out of love with people, descovered myself, and just plain played at the TRF. It is where life meets reality. It is by far one of the most amazing places to ever go to! I absolutely adore it. I was in my element, and it made me love life once again.
We left the TRF around 6 or so and headed back to Austin. This trip was smoother than the one going to the TRF. We slept in Austin again and headed out around 9:30 or so the next day. We stopped for breakfast burrettos first, then headed out. It was a drizzly cloudy morning. It was beautiful. You could smell the pine in the air. Something that you miss in lubbock. We drove all the way back, and right before we hit Sweetwater we got clocked by a cop. Well, we noticed and took a farm road for 20 min inorder to loose him. We did, did not get stopped, and continued on with our trip. It was our third cop experiance on this trip. The Farm road route was actually quite pretty. When i sat up from my nap, i noticed that there were some Texas Historical Markers plaques up. Right in the middle of nowhere. It made me curious, and i wanted to stop and read them, but we couldn't. We were trying to get to Lubbock somewhat early so Derek could get work done for the upcomming week.
When we finally hit lubbock it was around 4 or so. Again, cloudy and drizzly, but still nice. It was an amazing trip...and i fell in love with my friends even more. They are amazing people!
Thank you for reading this long post! Enjoy your day!
-Happy Reijn!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A good Cry

I noticed a funny thing today while i was sitting outside drinking my daily cup of Carmel Mocciatto...the top cover of a Starbucks "take-out" cup has the words "sweetheart" emelished upon the plastic...right at eye level when you drink. Oh how i just wanted to smash my cup right then and there. I have quickly learned to lothe the existance of anything and everything. You know how i was pretty depressed awhile back? Well, this time its more than just depression. This time it is bitterness, hurt, anger, depression, and stress. I took a beer last night while i stayed up almost all night working on a midterm paper. I lost it...just completely loose it. It was a good cry though. Sometimes you just need one of those. A good long cry. It felt just felt good. I am learning how to live all over again. In a way i hate it but at the same time i feel liberated. It is amazing what the feeling of liberation does to a person...fear, hurt, pain, confusion, happiness...its all there in a mixed jumble. I'm just trying to sort it all out. (oh god, i just looked at my hair, my split ends are horrible...i need to get a trim).
Well, i finished (sorta) my poems for my creative writing class...i'll be posting some of them here for my wonderful readers to enjoy. But in the meantime...i discovered the soundtrack to Wicked...the broadway show...and there is a song that hit me hard. Its quite appropriate:
I'm Not That Girl from Wicked
(sang by Elphalba)
Hands touch, eyes meet
Sudden silence, sudden heat
Hearts leap in a giddy whirl
He could be that boy
But I'm not that girl.
Don't dream too far
Don't lose sight of who you are
Don't remember that rush of joy
He could be that boy
I'm not that girl
Ev'ry so often we long to steal
To the land of what-might-have-been
But that doesn't soften the ache we feel
When reality sets back in
Blithe smile, lithe limb
She who's winsome, she wins him
Gold hair with gentle curl
That's the girl he chose
And heaven knows
I'm not that girl...
Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and pearl
There's a girl I know
He loves her so
I'm not that girl...
have a good day for me!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"Original Sin"

Music by Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
Available on the album Songs From The West Coast
Oh, it's carnival night
And they're stringing the lights around you
Hanging paper angels
Painting little devils on the roof
Oh the furnace wind
Is a flickering of wings about your face
In a cloud of incense
Yea, it smells like Heaven in this place
I can't eat, can't sleep
Still I hunger for you when you look at me
That face, those eyes
All the sinful pleasures deep inside
Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in
Underneath my skin,
Oh you were always my original sin
And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin
This dangerous game
Oh you were always my original sin
A dream will fly
The moment that you open up your eyes
A dream is just a riddle
Ghosts from every corner of your life
Up in the balcony
All the Romeo's are bleeding for your hand
Blowing theater kisses
Reciting lines they don't understand
Monday, October 09, 2006
"Its a Bit Nippy Out Here..."

Its fuckin' cold and wet. My poor torn shoes are wet/soaked and i have wet socks...and cold feet. My jeans are soaked to the knees and my hoodie is not keeping me warm at all. Freakin' A. I'm cold and miserable...i must look like a dunked cat. Life is going better...just busy with lots and lots of work. *nods* I have class in a i'm going to let you all go! *huggles*
Friday, October 06, 2006
Sacrifice of Shoes

i would first like to thank those really kind reponces by my readers in the last entry. Smiling is a rare thing now-a-days, and i felt a smile...not physically but emotionally. Thank you.
I learned something today in my Art History Survey II class...Lavinia Fontana's husband gave up his painting career so that he could take care of the house and she could have a painting career for herself. This was in the 1500s in Italy. A rare occurance. He, a male, gave up his life for his wife. A sacrifice. What is sacrifice? There are several types: sacrifice of love (Christ), physical sacrifice (animals/people, virginity, objects)...and the list continues. We all give up something for someone else and even for ourselves. I have given up emotional capabilities inorder to keep me moving throughout the day. I have also given up the prospect of going to parties and whatnot inorder to spend time with other people. Its sacrifice, but it is also a choice. It is all a choice. We choose to do what we do. We choose to make the sacrifices that we make. But are they worth it? Sometimes, yes. All the time?! Definately no.
I wonder how many times i will have to hurt inorder to feel happiness. After 8 or so months of being together Derek and I realized that we really don't know eachother. We have completely missed that stage of our relationship. We have skipped friendship all together. How was that neglected? I don't understand...but it was. And now we are unsure of where we stand with eachother. We are at a crossroads: to end it and move on, or to change and make things better. But my shoes are totally worn out.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Gredation of Life

i did something today, not out of the ordinary, but something that goes unnoticed. Especially if you are a girl. I let my hair down. If you know me, i usually keep my hair up in a bun. The Lubbock wind and the warm weather with long hair just doesn't work really. But today is cool, sunny and just plain beautiful. It really is Lubbock at its finest, if there can be a finest. Either way, i was walking from the art building to the SUB and i was enjoying the walk so much that i just let my hair down. It was a beautiful and wonderful thing.
Gah, i have totally given up on this blog...damn just plain sucks. Why do i always have to end up in an arguement at some point in my day?! BECAUSE MY LIFE FUCKIN' SUCKS like that. I demand only afew things in life: musical, artistic, and social respect. THAT IS IT...and does anybody truly give that to me? Hell no! Fuck it.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Remains of......

"Because I let your hands undo me
like an origami crane,
fold by fold, fingers easing out creases,
because I let the ink
of your brushstrokes seep the whiteness
of my paper-thin skin
and mark me, i could call this love,
or maybe delusion."
-exerpt from Peony Lover by Lee Ann Roripaugh
My english teacher gave me afew handout poems from this poet. Lee Ann is Japanese-American, and these were supposed to be poems that i would enjoy. I did. They are absolutely beautiful. Its like reading an american haiku. I have enjoyed them greatly, and plan to email the poet about her poems. She is currently teaching at the University of South Dakota. There are afew other poets i want to email as well. There is one who teaches at U of H in houston that i would love to get into contat with. It would be nice.
So i really do not know what to talk about this time around. I've been very busy catching up in classes due to being SO behind...stupid A&M trip. It wasn't bad, it just took up alot of precious time i needed for homework and other various things. This week is homecomming and again, time is precious. I'm marching in the parade. Oh i'm also loosing my car! Which really sucks. I'm going to be stuck on campus again...does anybody realize how depressing this makes me feel?! I hate being dependant on people. I just hate it.
I guess i've been thinking alot about relationships and how they are "supposed to be". I don't think there really is a cannon when it comes to relationships but there are certian factors that a person comes to want or enjoy. Reflecting back upon my own relationships, i have not had one that has gone completely well. Way too many times are my relationships mottled with cheeting, jealousy, hurt, pain, and arguing. It takes a toll on a person. I really have come to the conclusion that i hate dating. Dating is pointless and unnecessary. Yeah yeah you have to find that "special person" and get to know them by dating them but what i have found if you fall in love you fall in love, whether you are dating or not. You can also be seeing eachother but not "dating" per say. Dating is a pointless wast of time, energy and heartache. I would like to know how much hurt and scars a person is capable of. Now, this is not a Reijn pitty-party, but this is a Reijn showing some form of emotional scarrage. I don't pretend to not have been damaged by Joey, or bitter towards Will, or hurt by Austin, or effected by Derek, but i do pretend to be ok...every single day. I am ok. I continue to tell myself this, but in reality i am not. The pain and baggage i carry is vast and its baggage that most people do not want to hear. I was talking to my friend Peter the other day, and i was spacing out quite a bit. He asked me what was up and i just answered, "ah, just thinking about a poem i'm writing...alot of things are going through my head right now." He, then, asked me what is it all about. I couldn't answer him. I don't want to scare him. I just told him that i will tell him in time, and that there are quite a bit of things about me that he does not know about nor does he really want to know about. It puzzled him and threw him into a wondering frenzy. I can't help that. But i can help what i tell people. How many people can i just go up to and say one or two words and they would understand...or wear something and they would get the connotation. It took me several months to literally hang up my collar on the wall and NOT touch it. That took alot, but at the same time, the sound of chains and the scent of leather haunts me. I yearn for it and repel it at the same time. Its just one of the types of baggage i have. My english teacher told me that i should open up and write about this stuff more often, but it hurts...its all still so fresh to me that it opens up wounds that i thought were healed...obviously not.
As i write this there is a guy sitting across from me in the SUB who's shirt says:
"Sex, violence and horses...sometimes on the same page"
How ironicly perfect...
Monday, October 02, 2006
Michael AKA: Tiger

the strangest thing happened to me. I met a tiger. He still has the orange and black stripes, the golden eyes, and that fearce stare...but he roars "GO DAMN WAR EAGLE". (which was on adult swim about a week ago, oddly enough) I don't think tigers are supposed to do that. But this one does. I went along, and became friends with this tiger. Who would have guessed a Madador and a Tiger, friends? But we are.
I met Michael through a text-based RPG website called Gaia. ( I was out of a "regular" thread in which i could grace my wierd ideas in. Well, since i was in college, i decided to see if there was a college football forum. Low-and-Behold...there was. College football. I think my first post was something along the lines of, "i'm a texas tech goin' band member, and eventhough i don't know much about football, i can hold my own. I go to all the Tech games." Well, i wasn't widely accepted at first. I had to earn my position in this thread. I had several marks against me: i was a girl, i was in band, and i was one of the only Big 12 members on there. Users like Fox/Patrick, thought i was a flake...but he soon realized that i was a better friend than a cerial brand.
I don't remember how Tiger and I realy started talking. Probally on AIM. We chatted about religion, classes, life, love, and the american persuit of a degree. As a Junior at Auburn University, Michael hosts a college sports radio show on the AU campus. I'm not good at contributing to this talk show, but i try...when i do call in. Its kinda cool actually...a Texas Tech girl all the way in Alabama...being heared by who-knows-who on the AU campus. I'm really a nobody...but its who you know really in life.
Michael is an engineer in training. I'm an english and art person in training...yet we get along. Its funny when i talk to him about art, he just does not get it. Concepts and ideas...he tries...and i love him for it, but he just can't comprehend it. But that's ok. We all have our own fortes. His knowledge about football, sports, religion, and other life things, is quite vast. He has a good head on his shoulders thats for sure.
Dark hair, great big crazy smile...its Michael...its Tiger. And a wonderful friend. He sends me text messages and small phone calls whenever he's concerned about me. That is always a sign of an awsome friend!
Michael is wonderful, hands down.