Gredation of Life

i did something today, not out of the ordinary, but something that goes unnoticed. Especially if you are a girl. I let my hair down. If you know me, i usually keep my hair up in a bun. The Lubbock wind and the warm weather with long hair just doesn't work really. But today is cool, sunny and just plain beautiful. It really is Lubbock at its finest, if there can be a finest. Either way, i was walking from the art building to the SUB and i was enjoying the walk so much that i just let my hair down. It was a beautiful and wonderful thing.
Gah, i have totally given up on this blog...damn just plain sucks. Why do i always have to end up in an arguement at some point in my day?! BECAUSE MY LIFE FUCKIN' SUCKS like that. I demand only afew things in life: musical, artistic, and social respect. THAT IS IT...and does anybody truly give that to me? Hell no! Fuck it.
O.O Char letting her hair down? This is a red letter day! But in another matter of speaking, its just the situation your in really. Unfortunately there is no change in it that I foresee in the immediate future. Things may happen to cause the situation to change, but you gotta just bite down and struggle through it. No one said this life would be easy.
And besides, you call me if you ever get toooooooooooo bad, or I'll call you and get it out of ya... :P
i'm jealous. austin weather is permenantly stuck in the mid-90s. is that bad? no... but the 95 percent humidity absolutely is.
and i like your arguments! don't stop! your blog is the equivalent of a thought-a-day calendar for me. : ) only more provocative and in depth.
alright. i really just do NOT want to revise my essay, which is why i keep posting all over your blog.
its not arguments due to the topics i post, relationship arguments
well. those suck. you have my permission to try to oust them... let me know how it goes. i've been trying to rid my life of conflict virtually from the day I was born. Haven't succeeded yet... (karma for the frogs i tortured as a child, i'm sure. it all traces back to that...)
Sorry to hear that you're in a low point of your life. I was in one of those to a certain extent not too long ago. In any case, I just wanted to let you know that you have my social respect. If you need anything, let me know!
Let that hair's beautiful, girl!!! Wish we had some of that nice weather here. I'm tired of 90 degrees!
And don't give up on love. If you've been disappointed by guys, it's not a bad idea to stop dating for a while and just concentrate on you. Develop true friendships with guys without having to worry about all of the mess that goes along with physical relationships. Pray that God will take away the hurt and bitterness that you feel. It will take time, but He will do it. He did it for me! He has chosen someone very special for you, maybe someone you haven't even met yet, so thank God for doing that and try to look forward to the time when you'll be with that person. You're special, Reijn, so don't settle for anyone who doesn't treat you right. I love you!
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