The Real World

Like every morning, I go to Starbucks and order a Carmel Mocciatto not too sweet then walk to class. I pick up a Daily Toreador and read the usually uninteresting articles in our conservative college newspaper. But today was alittle different. Something caught my eye. The title, "TV-hopefuls get 'Real' in the Hub City", actually made me read the entire article and not skim it. I had read on Friday's edition that the casting crew and last year's "stars" from "The Real World", "Fresh Meat", and "Duel" were showing up to conduct open castings for the new "Real World 19". (how can it be new if this is the 19th episode). It was interesting and I actually intertained the idea of showing up to one of the clubs and check it out. This is a big thing, since i do not like clubs nor do i like people. I entertained the idea and that was it. Saturday i slept. I enjoyed my day off from the Goin' Band. Sleeping was good.
When i picked up Monday's issue of the TD, i noticed a quote, "I am highly dissapointed. This is the one chance Lubbock has to get on the map. Its the one chance for Lubbock to show its face." "You know we come here and try to do something big and (people) don't show." (Sellers). In other words, not many people showed up. I applaud the Tech community for the first time. The entire article in the TD talked about how this was a once in a lifetime oppritunity, how it is life changing and that Lubbock blew it. All i have to say about it is, "good job Tech!" MTV is not my idea of life or oppritunity. Why is that? (that is what all you MTV watchers are asking right?) Because the "Real Life" is not real life. Real life is friends, family, arguements, dissagrements, love, sex, passion, hurt, pain...etc....and the list just continues. Real life is when you look into somebody's eyes and see that they are not telling you the truth, or that there is alot of pain behind that dark stare, or that smile is forced to the point the wearer doesn't remember what it feels like to really smile anymore. That is real life, not a TV drama sorostitue show. The fact that not many students (acutally just alittle over 100) showed up, shows that Texas Tech students have better things to do with thier time and energy then flounce the fact that they have big biceps, fake eyelashes, and no brain. For once, Tech showed that they are not a school about parties and hot girls but a school about earning a degree and watching Adult Swim. I can think of a hundred ways to spend my Saturday afternoons and usually involves the Goin' Band. None of those ways involve a reality TV show.
Good Job Tech. I applaud your one show of if we could work on fashion, especially during this halloween holiday, i would be a happy artist.
Here, here!!!
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