Stick with Picasso

ah update almost a week later. The following is not part of the main blog: so i have decided that i am not allowed happiness. I am not allowed to be fucking happy. So, today, i had gotten alot of sleep so i felt good. So good, that after class i took a shower and put on some makeup and actually smiled. Then, my mother called and yelled at me. I told her that i didn't want to yell or argue, but she continued to talk. I yelled and then she hung up on me. Today was also snake feeding day at Derek's house. So we went and bought some mice to feed to Buddy. Well, i fell in love with one and adopted it. I had to buy derek a new mouse. So this mouse and Tessarose are my children now. Derek laughs at me, he blames my maternal instincts. After that i let Tessie run around in the front yard for alittle while then i joined the band rehursal inside. I became the butt of the elitist guitar jokes. I'm getting tired of them. Yes i'm a flute player, sue me. Then Derek and I had a small fight over the fact that he believes that all of my guy friends are trying to get into my pants. Bleh, once i'm happy it is short lived. Done.
Now, the real post. I have come to the decision that i do not like Picasso. Yes, as an artist i said that. I believe he was just a good impersonist. He fell in love with the stone ceremonial statues in Africa and such. That is where most of his style comes from. He also studdied alittle in Paris where he picked up some of the impressionist style...again...good impersonator. The list continues. Now, don't get me wrong. I believe that he was a very talented artist who painted well...period. But, i also believe that he rarely got his own ideas. He copied. Now again, don't get me wrong, many artist do this...we do this to learn and develop our own style...its called influence. I don't believe Picasso was just influenced. I believe he was extreemly good at copying. He said himself, "as a child i painted like Raphael, but it took me a life time to paint like a child." Picasso had talent. And lots of it. Though, i don't believe he used it to the extent that it was intended to be. I think Picasso was like any other artist who was and is. He was excentric, crazy, and talented. That is it. He marketed himself well. I am not impressed by him, and i've seen originals in real life, in a private collection. I am not impressed...almost erked. Michelangelo...thats one thing to talk about, but not Picasso.
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