The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Another day in SL

Well, i have been productive AND lazy. Its been nice. I went around town yesterday and shopped with my mom. We got stuff that i desperately needed like sheets and belts. I met up with my dear friend sara in the morning and had breakfast. IT was nice because we hadn't talked in a long time...then i met up with another dear friend, Natalie and we went to Retrospective together. And of course, John St.Michael stole the show. His work with prisma colors are photo realistic. I am so glad that i graduated when i did so i wouldn't have to compete against him. Eitherwho, when 10:00 rolled around i was exausted. So i actually went to bed at 10:30! That is such a first for me.

So now i'm being dragged out for a mother's day lunchen for my grandmother and friends. *sighs* Then i'll probally call some friends and get together. Oh, there is a party tonight...i may make an appearance. Ah college is over and now high school friend obligations. *laughs* Sara told me the other day that she missed high school. I was thinking, "i don't." I loved high school but i am glad that i'm passed the drama and the "horrible" things that happen to a person. I laugh at them all now. I'm glad that i've moved out and away. Its nice.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah... definitely was not a fan of high school... had the worst fights with my parents of my life... the most pointless busy work of my life... surrounded by people my own age (of course that's only gotten worse at college, where it's 24-7 people that are like carbon copies-- CARBON COPIES-- the problem with young people is we don't have enough experience to make us interesting yet... or most don't...) and mean ass teachers... that gave evil eyes...

I'm rambling-- but yes. RETROSPECTIVE! woot! My brother went for me, and represented. : ) I'm sad I missed it though. T_T John St. Michael...? Heh. Good thing I graduated too, then. I had enough trouble with George's talents!

And going to sleep 10:30? Sounds like Heaven. T_T That's what I am going to do when I go home! Yes! Sleep!

10:22 PM, May 13, 2006  

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