The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Letter C

This is how it works: Comment on this entry and get a letter (if you want to play).Then in your journal, write 10 words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why.

1. Coke--i am such a coka cola addict...caffene and all!

2. Calories-- the world is hooked on them and slowly and surely so am i. Loosing weight sucks but someone has to do it! *nods*

3. Cats-- they are so cute! I like them. If someone scratches the back of my head mindlessly...yeah, i wish i had a tail and ears to show experession!

4. Crystal-- i know too many crystals...i think the number is up to 4 now in my cell. But the two i want to talk about is my married friend and my college friend. Crystal Pruitt! gah! I blame her for getting me into the renaissance festival. She tainted me!!! And Crystal from tech. (i'm not saying her last name out of respect). She and i are very much alike on many many things. I do enjoy talking to her, and i can't wait to move into the appartments with her this summer! *nods*

5. Caring-- something that i have been guilty of several times. *sighs* It screws me over, over and over again but it is a part of me. *nods*

6. Coats-- i want one of those nice sleek coats that all the college students wear. I want one!!! I stole my moms over the winter break...i so want myown though!

7. Carols-- I hate them. I hate them with a passion. It goes along with my anti-Christmas feelings as well

8. Cast in Bronze-- this guy is an amazing mucisian! I am a huge fan of his. He goes to the Texas Renaissance Festival and i have every single one of his CDs. He plays the Carillion (another C word) and i have fallen in love with bells ever since!

9. Control-- once i feel like i have it over my life, it goes away...control?! what is that? I know not of what you speak of!

10. Canaries-- fasinating creatures really. They are so sensitive to life. Its almost like they are a form of life-force unto themselves. Its a beautiful thing really.

ok! I'm done...thank you Lisa! *nods*



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, nice. Now is it those sappy Christmas carols that you don't like, or carols in general? Cause they're actually dance tunes. ;)
So now do you give me the letter?

~faya (i love how i randomly sign these things...hehe)

7:16 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Reijn of the Elfin Muse said...

you get the letter K. Its the commertialism of christmas that i don't like

9:36 PM, May 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it sad that you don't like Christmas. It's about the one holiday I do like. Even though there is that silly commercialization.


I would like a letter from you, please.


11:28 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Reijn of the Elfin Muse said...

certainly my dear dear almost graduated friend! *grins*

I give you the letter......Y

yes i did just do that *laughs*

12:50 PM, May 04, 2006  

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