
The Struggle.
The title of this entry reminds me of my high school band director. He yelled at us for 30 min my freshman year telling us how unpatriotic we were because we weren't rehursing well in band. This was right after the happenings of 9/11. He went on and ranted how marching band is an American tradition and that we are to uphold it and be proud of our traditions...therefore be patriotic and rehurse well. Alot of bull, but what can you do when you are standing at attention on a marching field being yelled at. So that is my little story for 9/11. Prayers to the families effected, the people involved and our world situation right now:
Sam: "It's in the great stories, Frodo. The one's that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
"But in the end it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. These were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something."
Frodo: "What are we holding on to Sam?"
Sam: "There's some good in this world. And it's worth fighting for."
Cell Phone.
So, as many of you know, my cell phone died the morning of my birthday. So i have been without a phone for almost a week now. I have learned to love it. This is why. No phone calls at ungodly hours at night, no textmessages telling me pointless information, no interuptions during my naps, class, or personal time. I am really enjoying the solitude of no cell phones. What is even better is that (now this is a secret) i have a replacement until the contract is renewed. Very few people know this. Why? I'm enjoying little to no phonecalls! I have developed this new habit: I don't take my phone to class, and i turn it off by 11:00pm each night. I don't care if i'm pulling a late night, the phone goes off. If someone really needs to contact me they can shoot me an email or message me on AIM, i'll get it soon enough. I have actually come to not like the ring of a phone. It grates at my ears. Why may you ask? Honestly, i think its because I was so dependant on a phone but many places don't want a phone on i started turning my phone to vibrate 24/7. The phone i have now is too old and i barely remember how to work the thing, so it stays on ring...and its annoying. Only three or so weeks of annoying rings. Speaking of that, three weeks of this phone, so i won't be programming any numbers into it, because I do not want to take the time to type in 150+ people into my phone then have to do it three weeks later. Logic. So all in all, i'm gravitating more and more towards solitude...pure and utter solitude. I don't think i'll give up my computers, but i will turn down friend's requests to hang out, and i won't always answer my phone anymore. Its just a grand feeling!
so i think i lost my ipod again. I love that thing, and i think its gone. I'm probally going to have to wait until Christmas break until i have enough money to buy a nother one. I'm probally going to get one of the iPod touches or the new nano. We'll see. We'll see. I don't understand how i continuously loose my ipod. I guess, i'm never truly ment to keep it. Curse God and His grand design, not really, but really. lol. I miss my Little Raider...it was red and black. Yeah, i'm a geek...what can I say...i love Tech alot.
It has been scientifically proven that weather effects someone's attitude and mood. Monday and Tuesday it was cold and rainy and dreery. I struggled so much trying to get out bed, so much so that every time i layed down for a nap, i slept through my class. The feeling of hopelessness and antisocialness for the world creeps into the very poors of your thoughts. In other words, i'm not a nice person when the weather is bad in Lubbock. Lubbock is known for its 80% sky and sunshine throughout the year. That hasn't been the case as of lately. Sad isn't it. I noticed this about myself when i was a Freshman. You get so used to the sun and the cloudless skys that once they go away, you feel like the world is falling in on you. It just shows how much I really do enjoy a sunny day no matter how hot or cold it is. Right now, its pure blue skies with a slight breeze, cool air, and the sun is laughing. I have my door to my apartment open and my window unit to: "fan". Its so beautiful, why not?! I enjoy really nice wonderful weather...especially when you have to wear a jacket in the mornings and shorts in the afternoons. lol!
Best wishes friends!
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