Bah, humbug...

One more year and one more rant of why i hate Christmas.
I cannot stand the fake facade that people put on for this holiday. This is the season when people are kind and generous, and families get together. But, this is also the holiday for headaches, yelling, mean looks, and people's true nature.
Why I hate Christmas:
People are supposed to be especially nice and generous. But why this holiday, why this week, why this month? Why can't people care for eachother on every day of the week, why not July or May? They use Christmas as an excuse. It is a reason to be nice. "reason for the season". Reason...excuse. Its all the same in my book. But in return, i work retail. Isn't this the season for jolly? But people get mean. They get really mean. They demand things instead of asking...they want everything given to them hand and foot. Just because i work retail does not mean that you can treat me inhumanly. Arn't you supposed to treat me nicer? It doesn't happen. I'm sick of splattering a smile on my face for every person who walks in with a ding following behind them. Why do i have to be nice during a holiday that i don't morally agree with?
Why I hate Christmas Religiously:
Its the fake smile. Not like that doesn't happen naturally in a church setting, but we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. That is good. But he wasn't born on Christmas. That's fine. But we have turned it into something that it is not. It is a celebration but it is a reflection of the life that Jesus led, that he is "going to lead". It is supposed to be a reverant thing, not a pagent, not a special service...but a prayer and a reminder of why we are who we are...why we worship the Lord.
Why I hate Christmas Musically:
it all sucks. Every remake, every origional. THE only good song that came out of the Christmas holiday is Carol of the Bells...and that is only because it is composed very well. I'm sick of hearing Jingle Bells, or "Santa baby". It needs to stop. please. That is my number one reason why i DO NOT listen to KSBJ when i go back to Houston.
Finally Why I hate Christmas:
I feel like we have lost sight of what Christmas is supposed to be. It has evolved into something that I cannot support, that I cannot morally be happy about. I can't even bring myself to say "merry Christmas" or "happy holiday". I tend to say, "good luck". People need that more.
- Reijn
We had a good conversation over this yesterday. Thanks for that. I also blogged about the way Christmas is fizzing out for me here -- please tell me what you think:
if there was a diffention for the word Grinch in the dictionary your pic would be right there!!! I have some major issues with what you said about the birth of Christ! Im not gonna get into it but i just wanted you yo know that i found it VERY offenseive! His birth is the truly meaning of CHRISTmas and poeple like you have completely lost sight of that! O! Christ isnt a religon....its the truth of GOD! The one true GOD!
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