Rocket Man is a good blog entry finally.
driving back to lubbock from my two week break away from this horrid town, we got pulled over by a Sheriff, i think. Either way, i was going 75 in a 70 mph zone and i got pulled over...quite stupid. Well, he asked me to get out of the car and talk to me infront of the cop car. I did, he asked if i had ever gotten in trouble before and i answered that i had not. He asked Derek several questions as well, "are there any knives, guns or drugs in the car?" Of course he answered no. The cop asked me if either one of us smoked and i answered no, and he said that the reason why he asked because usually when he pulls over people on 20/82 he can sometimes smell pot on people. I responded, "Well, i'm glad that you ask that but it doesn't change the fact that we were not smoking nor do smoke." He also asked me where our destination was several times and i just repeated myself as, "we are traveling from Austin to Lubbock, sir." He also asked me if we went to Tech and i answered, "yes sir." "What are you studying?" Me: "English and art" Cop: "yeah, if i was in college that's what i would do too, english. (i just nodded in acknowledgement.) I see that your hands are shaking." Me: "Well, this is not a normal occurance for me." Cop: "I don't bite." Me: "i'm sure you don't sir." He laughed and let us off with a warning and just said to slow down. Once i got back in the car Derek started cussing about Texas' Cops. I shrugged. We drove off and i drove the exact speed limit all the way back to lubbock. We were driving a black Caddie so we suspect that it was profiling of a "drug car". We really weren't speeding that much and he really couldn't nail us for anything illegal so he let us go with a warning. Derek also thanked me for being a cute girl. I again shrugged.
Well, i have organized everything in my appartment.

Well, there ya' go...some picts of my appartment!
I worked today. And i did absolutely nothing but pretty much read a book about horses. Exciting. But that's ok. At least i'll be payed and i'll be able to pay rent, since my parents aren't helping with that little detail.
there was more that i wanted to say but i can't remember mostly because it took me so long to get these pictures working for me. *shrugs* Its all good. Elton John is playing on Bravo right now so i'm going to watch that and relax. *nods* ttyl!
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