The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Monday, May 22, 2006

A Beautiful Thing

ok...don't call me a sap but you have to understand the back story to this:

I've known Andrew for almost two years now. And when i first met him he was not a Christian and he was worshiping the Egyptian Goddess Baast. I won't lie, it weirded me out alittle bit but i was a different person back then. I continued to talk to him and tell him my opinionated outlook on life, which is Christ-based. A year and a half later, after meeting Andrew, he found Christ again...through prayer and many many AIM conversations. It was a beautiful and heartaching thing. Either way, he wrote this in his blog just a while ago...and i almost cried it was so i post it here to share with my readers:

Let me tell you a story ... One night I was feeling horrible, I was sweating profusely and very hot but the temperature on the thermostat was 74. So I crawled up into my bed, turned on my fan as high as it would go and passed out. I remember laying there for a few moments drifting in and out of wake and sleep untill everything was black. I remember hearing the sound of the wind passing quickly and the smell of a warm summer, I fealt the earth moving underneath me and my bed fealt like a leather couch. I sat up and blinked rubbing the sleep and blurr from my eyes , as I looked around I realized I was riding in the back of an old 1951 Chevy drop top on shindler drive, it was cherry red and had chrome trim and an off white leather interior. In disbeleif I looked around even pinched myself and it hurt, I looked up to the person who was driving I never did see his face but his voice was clear in my mind even with the passing wind whisteling in my ears. He said to me "Andrew why dont you trust me" ... I responded in astonishment "what do you I know you?" ... the man answered "Yes my do know me, I have known you even before you were born" ... I fealt my heart jump in my chest and skip a beat. I didnt need to ask again who he was from that point ... I protested "well...where were you when I had a gun in my face, where were you when my ex fiance left me, where were you when I asked you to spare my grandfather from cancer, where were you?! Ive done nothing but cry my entire life because of pain others have caused me, why didnt you stop that?"...he sighed heavily and hung his head a lil a he continued to drive ... "Have faith and you will be happy, trust me and you will know love, confide in me and you receive peace ..." his words paused and echoed in my mind and I soon fealt a wave a warmth cross over me and I fealt at peace with myself, like nothing could harm me and then I awoke soaked in sweat and I no longer fealt ill.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's beautiful and amazing and appreciated.

9:34 PM, June 07, 2006  

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