Hawaii Day 4
Well today was alot of fun. I hung out with my mom all day.
I woke up and mom and I headed out to the Kauai Coffee Plantation. It is the biggest coffee plantation in Hawaii...and REALLY good coffee. I got such a caffene buzz off of tasting all of the different types of coffee. We toured the plantation. And learned how they make thier coffee. I bought a mug. I like it. Alot. Its a pretty mug. Mom bought me a shirt from there. Oh, we were on the dry side of the island so it didn't rain.
After coffee, we went to Wiameia. This is the town/village that my family is from. Funny thing, every store we went into asked us where we are from and once we told them our last name, they all knew who we were. Its like we are famous or something. Pretty cool. I got to look at the land my family owns and all the mangoes. It was pretty cool because one day
After Wiameia, we went to Hanapepe, or the Art District. We went through around four different art galleries. I got to meet three artists. They were all very friendly. One even offered to let me borrow one of his canvas's. That was very generous of him. I really enjoyed this one artist's work. Her stuff is all acrilic but she painted on huge leaves and on glass. You could tell she was educated in art, because she had a totally different dynamic to her paintings that most of the other artist's works. The last artist we visited, did beautiful wood work bowls and such. He was very friendly too. He joked with me because I wore a Beatles' shirt and I am "too young" to understand who the Beatles are. (evidentally) (BS if you ask me, he was too young to know who King Cole is, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know his music). Either way, he did do beautiful wood pieces. I liked them alot. Overall, the art district was very nice. Expensive because it was art galleries and origional art, but overall quite nice. There were only afew outstanding artists there that i liked. I was able to hand out afew cards myself. I like art districts, you learn alot from them. Oh, i also picked up a bag of "red dirt" to paint with later. I would LOVE to put some Hawaiian red dirt in some of my paintings.
Anywhos, i'm going to grab some food to eat since i really haven't eaten anything all day.
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