She-Ra Tomb Raider

So, i understand it has been a while since i posted. And i appologize for that. I've just gotten busier and busier this summer. I worked, went to school, tried to keep a social life...and did all of that all over again. It tends to keep you busy.
Well, i'm back in Lubbock after a fun and wonderful summer. I have my own apartment, which i totally adore! I love living by myself. I get to cook for myself, i have my own shower, and i get to have my babies with me: my hedgehogs. Oh, i have a new hedgehog. Her name is Monet Lily. She is such a sweetheart. I love her to pieces. So now, i have two hedgehogs: Tessarose and Monet-Lily.
So i've been doing marching band for the past week. Funny story. I tried out again for the Goin' Band, and did not make it on piccilo. And i wasn't the first upperclassmen that didn't make it. There were about 17 of us that didn't make it. So the

band put us on Sousaphone. So yes, i'm learning how to play the tuba now. I'm having fun though. I went to the Tuba party last night. And had the time of my life. The section has nicknamed me Tomb Raider, because i wear my hair in a long braid like Laura Croft. And they call me the new Section mom, because i cook good food and i'm really the only person who does
cook. So, i'm a tuba player, that is finally accepted into the section, AND i'm getting buff carrying that thing. My shoulder is sore, but its getting stronger. My left side is more toned than my right side. Its kinda funny. So i joke with my friends that i'm going to be She-Ra by the end of the semester. Funny how all of these things work out. Oh, there is a cute guy in the Sousa section named Jeff. Funny how those J names come back to hunt me down. Anywhos, classes start tomorrow and i have t-shirt designs to draw, and other stuff to do!
have a wonderful day!
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