One Sandwich short of a Picnic

so i am finally getting around to posting a new entry here in my blog. Its been a log time now hasn't? I got really busy right off the back, so i really haven't had time to update...but here i go.
So i work. Alot. I work at the framing shop that i worked at around 3 years ago. My boss loves me. I bring in alot of revinue to the store, and my customs are great even if they suck. lol. I also am on call for two other places: a pet store and my friend's recording studio. I like them both. They are lots of fun to work at. And i get payed alot. lol. Its nice to finally have money in the bank account and not to be constantly broke.
I also go to school. Community college is a joke. Just one step up from high school if even that. But at least i get the credit. I'm working hard not to completely fail my biology class. Eventhough it is a fairly easy course...its kicking my butt. Biology has never been a strong point for me. Science in general sucks alot for me too.
I've been consumed with my art show. If i could just stay home and work on my art that would be just fine with me. But i can't always do that. And i'm horribly behind. I have an ass load of mirrors to work on, and i only have one partially done. I have been getting alot of positive feedback on this show. Which is really scarying me. I'm not prepared for it at all and alot of people have already made it a point to come to it. I don't know if thats a good or a bad thing. I'm so very behind. I need to buckle down and really get to it. *sighs* There just aren't enough hours in the day. And by 11 o'clock i am exausted and fall asleep. That's sad, even for me. lol
I've made an awsome new friend. His name is James. We have such a grand time together. He is also one of those people who i can be completely honest and myself around. We can make all sorts of jokes and pranks on eachother. I call him Puppy Loki, or JD and he calls me Kitten. We have fun. The other day, we were driving around Town Center and we were stuck at a three way stop. The problem with Town Center and most of the Houston area, is that everybody is in a rush to somewhere and don't abide by driving laws and common curtacy. We were turning right to go to Jamba Juice when another car didn't wait thier turn. James stopped the car, pointed at the other driver and said a distinct, "No" while giving a face scorn like you would to a bad puppy or three year old child. Just by pointing and stating "No" and the occasional, "ahh" the other car stopped, probally in shock, and let us pass. I started laughing so hard. How many times do you see a college aged boy tell a grown adult "no" and espeically when it come to houston drivers. Absolutely hilarious. I have introduced James to alot of things: my cooking, Millennium, Jamba Juice, Its a Grind, On the Boarder, Texas Tech, Eddie Izzard, and the Tudors. We do have a grand time hanging out. Its nice to have someone alot like me, with the same likes and dislikes to just hang out with, no pressure. It feels good.
I have a new matress pad for my bed. It feels wonderful. SLEEP! finally. Though my back is hurting like the dickens. I really strained a muscle or something. Its so bad, i think i may have to go to the doctor for it. It hurts pretty bad.
I am behind on my reading. I am behind on my art. I don't study as much as I should. I don't sleep as much as I should. I'm so addicted to caffene its really bad now. I want a better tan and a better figure. I drive way too fast on 59 going to school in the mornings. I still have not found a place to live in lubbock and its really bothering me. I need a home! *cries* Ummmm...I cleaned Tessie's cage out today. She was not happy with me at first, but once she was in her new clean cage and a bath for herself, she was happy.
Well, I think thats enough for now. I really want to keep up with this. I'm so bad about it. I have more stories to tell. Alot has happened in this past month.
Hope your summer is going as well as mine!
James sounds like fun XD
Um...this is my finally reading your blog some more >.> Hope everything's going well *hugs*
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