Up and Out...wait...finals...

well, i'm slacking off majorly. I'm done with my classes. not really. But i am half way done with my finals and i'm starting to pack up my room. I have everything packed up except for my bed, my clothes and my computer. Not too shabby. Betty, my roommate, is leaving today. I am going to miss her oddly enough. We don't talk often but we get along. She took me out to breakfast this morning. It was really sweet of her. She is moving to Amarrillo for the rest of her college carreer. She is going to be a Pharmacist, and the Pharmacy school for Tech is at the Amarrillo campus. I really am going to miss her since i probally won't see her again, or much for that matter. We are going to try to have lunch some time in houston over the summer. Its going to be lonely in this room for the next couple of days. My goal is to try to get out by monday evening. I will end up staying with a friend Monday night and Tuesday night. My parents are comming up to pick me up and a friend Tuesday, and we are leaving on Wednesday. I should be back in SL and functioning by Thursday. Wow...thats alot of dates. Anyways...i don't like moving. I don't like it at all. Most of my stuff is going into storage, which will be nice. I'm going to live off campus next year, and i cannot wait! I'm so done with the dorms! *nods*
Well, *sighs* Betty is running around the room finishing up. I'm about to leave to check out my storage unit. And i have an exam today. I will talk to you all later, more than likely in Houston.
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