The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

My Photo
Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Nymph-like Perception

i don't have much time to put up an entry, but i thought that i should update. I really am going to strive to get better at my blogging. I'm doing terrible. lol.

Instincts. People always talk about the female instincts. Artists throughout history has even picked up on this. During the 1880s-1930s the art world portrayed the female in the nude, touching the ground (close to earth) in a nymph-like senerio. Is the the true female form?! Is she really more in tune with the earth, with her suroundings. Many people would argue yes. They can pick up on feelings, situations, and emotions alot beter then men can. Though the best man i've seen to be able to do this same thing was on the Sci-Fi channel..."Mind Control". All he really does is pick up on subtle body language, physical essesnces, and emotional projections. He's very good at what he does. I do not claim to be that good. On top of that, James' mom can always sense when he is going to be in danger. She calls him up, tells him to get off the road and go somewhere else. He does it, and ALWAYS avoids a fatal accident. Personally, I can tell what a person is thinking, what thier intentions are, and what they want. I can feel what they feel. Now, i don't claim to be an empath...but i do claim that i can pick up and almost maniuplate a person's essence. Now, to all my Christian friends: You are all probally scared at this point, thinking that i'm wiccian. I'm not. But such as a good good catholic friend of mine said, "every religion has an "essence" like form in it. In Christianity its a Spirit or soul." I prefur to say essence because the connotation with Spirit or soul is preconcieved by the christian community. Essence is both an ambiguous and solidified term. You know what an essence is but at the same time, how do you define it. Spirit or soul, already has a definition to the Christian mind. I'm trying to avoid that.

Something that I say alot is, "your thoughts are very loud." In essence, it is the ease at which i can read your thoughts and notions. Americans are horrible at this. They allow thier thoughts to fly in every which way direction. The japanese on the other hand, is hard to get a handle on thier thoughts because they have them closed off to the rest of society. I cannot tell you how many countless times i have called one of my friends out on how loud thier thoughts are...and each and every time i can dictate exactly what they were thinking, almost to an unconcious level. Now, again, you may think i'm wierd. But let me ask you this: do you believe in the supernatural? I do. Only because i've lived in a haunted house and live in a very spirit filled city. They do exist. If they didn't, why would the Catholic church have rituals inorder to expell these spirits from our realm? Some people are more atuned to thier surroundings...whether it be supernatural or earthly bound. There are always those people who you run into who are so absent minded yet pick out the oddest and most minute details out of something. Then there are those set of people who look over the details and are focused on the big picture...forgetting whether or not that person has brown eyes or long eyelashes or not.

I guess the entire point of this was the fact that perception is not what it seems. And your thoughts are very loud today.


Monday, August 27, 2007

My First

You always will remember your "firsts". Your first car, first dog, first day of school, first kiss, first crush, first dissapointment, first heartbreak, first love...firsts. There are rarely any seconds. These firsts impact us so much that we cannot help but be changed. Today was my first day of classes. I'm starting my junior year of college. Three years. That's a long time already...and i have another two ahead of me.

Is it possible to stand idly behind and allow things to happen. With my personality its quite difficult. I say this for afew reasons. First off, i went to my japanese class today and was scared out of my wits. I switched to a different instructor right off the back. I hope i made the right decision. Second, i am watching a good friend of mine burry himself with a revisit of a bad relationship. I personally think its the worst mistake he could make right now, but he's making it. When he dropped me off on Sunday, he had the hardest time leaving, knowing that the next day would bring his ex back into town. I haven't seen that behavior before, especially from a supposedly mature man. Thirdly, I have noticed, since joining the brass section, I have gained more numbers than when i was in the woodwind section. There are a good two or three guys that have a crush on me, and i really don't like it. Before it is all said and done, i'm going to have to tell these guys that i'm not interested in them. I hate doing that. I really do. Then at the same time, i'm sick of loosing amazing guys and having to slap the loosers on the face to leave me alone. I had such a wonderful time with james, but it just reminds me that seasons come and go, but there is a complete year ahead of me. I just hope that one of these days, and someday somewhat soon, i fall in love again...truly fall in love again, and that will be the end to all of my searching and heartache.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

She-Ra Tomb Raider

So, i understand it has been a while since i posted. And i appologize for that. I've just gotten busier and busier this summer. I worked, went to school, tried to keep a social life...and did all of that all over again. It tends to keep you busy.

Well, i'm back in Lubbock after a fun and wonderful summer. I have my own apartment, which i totally adore! I love living by myself. I get to cook for myself, i have my own shower, and i get to have my babies with me: my hedgehogs. Oh, i have a new hedgehog. Her name is Monet Lily. She is such a sweetheart. I love her to pieces. So now, i have two hedgehogs: Tessarose and Monet-Lily.

So i've been doing marching band for the past week. Funny story. I tried out again for the Goin' Band, and did not make it on piccilo. And i wasn't the first upperclassmen that didn't make it. There were about 17 of us that didn't make it. So the
band put us on Sousaphone. So yes, i'm learning how to play the tuba now. I'm having fun though. I went to the Tuba party last night. And had the time of my life. The section has nicknamed me Tomb Raider, because i wear my hair in a long braid like Laura Croft. And they call me the new Section mom, because i cook good food and i'm really the only person who does
cook. So, i'm a tuba player, that is finally accepted into the section, AND i'm getting buff carrying that thing. My shoulder is sore, but its getting stronger. My left side is more toned than my right side. Its kinda funny. So i joke with my friends that i'm going to be She-Ra by the end of the semester. Funny how all of these things work out. Oh, there is a cute guy in the Sousa section named Jeff. Funny how those J names come back to hunt me down. Anywhos, classes start tomorrow and i have t-shirt designs to draw, and other stuff to do!

have a wonderful day!


Friday, August 24, 2007

The Title of the Song

The best and most humbling formula ever!

I promise, i will update very very soon with a real blog entry...
