Painted Orange

i'm drawing and painting again. Its really nice. Though, all of my paint brushes are crap, and i'm out of money. lol. Bravo, Reijn...the life of a starving I am still looking into putting on an art show this summer. The gallery that my friend gave me info to seems pretty shady. And by that, thier resident artists are crap. There are about three that i really like thier art. And the gallery's fee's are things that i can't afford right now. I'm still going to take images and send it in, and see what they think. I think i'm going make the theme as "Higher Learning". or something like that. I'm also thinking about allowing two other of my friends to join me in this show. Therefore, we can cut the costs of printing things and such down between the three of us. Ideally, i would like to rent out a small warehouse or space, and use that. I'm going to look into it, and we'll see what i can put together. I need to start getting busy and really paint stuff now...on top of all of my studies. lol, i don't want to study, i want to paint. I guess this is a good thing. Well, there isn't much to say right now. I would like to talk more about last weekend and how wonderful it was, but i'm overshadowed by VT.
"From one Tech to another, We are all Hokies"
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