The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

My Photo
Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Friend Filled Fun

so, my wonderful friend Tanya from middle school is here visiting me at Tech. She is going to try to transfer here. If she does, oh my goodness, life will be so amazing! It would be so much fun to have my best friend from middle school back at the same school with me. Its been wonderful having her here in lubbock. I've been showing her the campus. We haven't really left campus much because it has rained alot. So, maybe tomorrow. We are going to hit up the Strip, and one of my band friend's Senior Siminar Art History Thesis Lecture. Its going to be fun. I'm excited.

My friend Jonathan is here too. We hung out alittle bit but not much. *sighs* I want to hang out with him more, but he's been busy with other friends and i understand that.

My friend Terrence is in Galveston surfing right now. I'm jealous. So jealous. lol


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Fling

Well, my goal...which i hope to at least write more on this. I just tend not to write anymore, and that is horrible for me. I need to at least just write. Now, i have decided to keep most of my personal life out of this blog now. My personal life has been a jumbled mess for the past year, and i've just decided to not talk about it anymore. Its not worth the pressure or the heart ache that goes along with it. I want to define this blog again. I want it to be a forum inwhich thoughts and ideas can be discussed and a form inwhich free writing is in confidentiality between you the reader and me the writer.

I was walking from the Mass Communications Building to Holden Hall (the history building of sorts), and the campus is alive with flowers. All the trees are blooming and the grounds keepers planted tulips all across campus. Spring on campus is my favorite season by far. I love looking at the yellow and red tulips. Also, when the Lubbock breeze runs across the pettals of all the blooming flowers, the air is so sweet. Its been a long time since i have smelled sweet air. It was quite enjoyable actually. The last time i smelled sweet air was alittle over 4 years ago, when my family and i took a trip to Hawaii for my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. All the flowers and fruit in the clean air. Oh, it was wonderful. I am looking forward to going back this summer...swimsuit shopping! that's for sure. lol! I am going to enjoy Hawaii like it is ment to be Last time i didn't enjoy it as much, but this year will be different. lol.

Anywhos, a nap is in order for me so, have a wonderful spring day!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

my panic button

what can you stomach? What throws you into a panic attack? For me, its the Holicaust. I cannot stomach it at all. Everytime i am faced with the aspect of studying it, i loose my self control. Now, don't get me wrong. I have studied it and i believe that it happened. I've been to the National Holicaust Museum in Washington DC, i've read "Night" and i've studied the subject over and over. But the result is the same, i am thrown into a panic attack and my stomach churns. Maybe i was Jewish in a different life, maybe my heart is so big that i cannot fathom the brutality that happened, maybe the fact that it was so brutal that my brian cannot understand the fact of the matter, maybe i cannot seperate myself from that pain and horror. Whatever it is, it is...and i can't help but think that people that have a fasination with the Holicaust are sick sick people.

So what is your panic trigger?!


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Past. Present, and Future

its funny how these things work out. So, Jonathan is back from South Korea and it is so nice to have him home. I've missed him. I didn't realize how much until he came back. Then for some odd reason i had a feeling and messaged an old friend from gaia. We've been totally catching up on life. And it has been an amazing experiance. I've missed his friendship and compainionship alot within the past two years. Has it really been that long? It has. Wow...senior prom. That was a long time how time flies when life is a sucky ball of stress. I'm enjoying every minuite of spending time talking with them. They mean so much to me. I love my boys! I love them to death, and i totally forget that fact, way too many times. *sighs* At least things are on the upswing with my friends. *nods*

Spring break plans have been fucked up. So i'm trying to make other plans. I don't know how well its going to be though. I'm trying. We'll see.

I'm tired. Its been a long week and its going to be longer. Its only Wednesday. *cries*
