Friend Filled Fun

so, my wonderful friend Tanya from middle school is here visiting me at Tech. She is going to try to transfer here. If she does, oh my goodness, life will be so amazing! It would be so much fun to have my best friend from middle school back at the same school with me. Its been wonderful having her here in lubbock. I've been showing her the campus. We haven't really left campus much because it has rained alot. So, maybe tomorrow. We are going to hit up the Strip, and one of my band friend's Senior Siminar Art History Thesis Lecture. Its going to be fun. I'm excited.
My friend Jonathan is here too. We hung out alittle bit but not much. *sighs* I want to hang out with him more, but he's been busy with other friends and i understand that.
My friend Terrence is in Galveston surfing right now. I'm jealous. So jealous. lol