Spring Fling

Well, my goal...which i hope works...is to at least write more on this. I just tend not to write anymore, and that is horrible for me. I need to at least just write. Now, i have decided to keep most of my personal life out of this blog now. My personal life has been a jumbled mess for the past year, and i've just decided to not talk about it anymore. Its not worth the pressure or the heart ache that goes along with it. I want to define this blog again. I want it to be a forum inwhich thoughts and ideas can be discussed and a form inwhich free writing is in confidentiality between you the reader and me the writer.
I was walking from the Mass Communications Building to Holden Hall (the history building of sorts), and the campus is alive with flowers. All the trees are blooming and the grounds keepers planted tulips all across campus. Spring on campus is my favorite season by far. I love looking at the yellow and red tulips. Also, when the Lubbock breeze runs across the pettals of all the blooming flowers, the air is so sweet. Its been a long time since i have smelled sweet air. It was quite enjoyable actually. The last time i smelled sweet air was alittle over 4 years ago, when my family and i took a trip to Hawaii for my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. All the flowers and fruit in the clean air. Oh, it was wonderful. I am looking forward to going back this summer...swimsuit shopping! that's for sure. lol! I am going to enjoy Hawaii like it is ment to be enjoyed...lol. Last time i didn't enjoy it as much, but this year will be different. lol.
Anywhos, a nap is in order for me so, have a wonderful spring day!
it's been raining in austin for the last week. nothing like hot humidity and dripping sweat as one half-jogs across campus.
perhaps something might be said for the trees. new leaves are budding, and the color is vibrant. the tree trunks are black with moisture and the sky dark, so the leaves just glow.
but leaves don't smell. *sighs*
another point for tech, eh?
Pretty picture...I could almost smell the tulips! It's already too hot here, but I guess it beats shoveling snow. Glad you'll be writing more! I wish I'd kept a journal or something during college. You forget so much later on. Hope you're having a good semester!
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