Origami and a Shreader

i'm broke. Again. this sucks. I go out and buy a couple of shirts and a book, and i'm broke. No spending for Reijn for the next two months. Kinda sucks, but oh well.
Daniel is in town. We are party hopping. I swear, this is not a normal thing for me. This is just the first weekend where everybody is in town and school started, so lots of parties happening this weekend.
I screwed myself over this semester in my history courses. I switched into a class that is worse than the class i switched out of. I screwed myself up. Oh well. This is going to be a hard semester. 7 papers in one class. 2 papers in another. 1 paper in a third class. 4 papers in yet a fourth class. Bleh bleh bleh. I can already feel the stress comming. This sucks.
Insight Bowl party tonight. I can't wait. It's going to be fun. Right now i'm bored watching movies i don't want to watch. Oh well. Its all good.
Tomorrow...art and more parties. sounds good?! I guess. *nods*
TTYL, not much to really talk about this time.
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