Skies are Blue

Well, i am back in Sugar Land for the holidays. I don't know if this is a good thing but i'm here none-the-less. I spent two days in Austin before comming down to Houston. Derek took be down to a park near his house. We walked amongst the trees and sat over the lake. It was beautiful and very romantic. Clear sky with beautiful stars, a quiet lake, slight breaze, and a a forest behind us, made the entire night magical.
The day after, we hung out with one of Derek's friend from high school. We played around at Guitar Center and then we went to a restraunt called The Flire Bowl. We had real Asian food. We hadn't had asian food in so long. Lubbock doesn't have any good oriental food. Now, there is a Phillipino Restraunt that we haven't tried...its in a hole in the wall but it looks good. So, from Austin we went to Houston.
As soon as we arived in houston we went to a church band party. It was so nice to see everybody from church again. We all sang and played and just enjoyed everybody's company. It was wonderful. The next day, Derek and I just hung out around the house not really doing anything. That evening we went to a "party"...more like a get-together with several of my highschool buddies. The ones that i cared about, went for icecream with derek and me. We all chatted and had a wonderful time. I got to see Alfrado off before he goes back to Mexico then on to England. I may see him one more time before he leaves, but we'll see what happens. Every night Derek and i stayed up watching Adult Swim together. It was nice just spending time with him in houston just chilling. The next day, Derek and I went out to a movie. We saw Erigon, and we didn't like it very much. He liked it more than i did. I felt like it was the classic fantasy formula. *shrugs* We also hit up Chipotle for lunch. That night, we went to the Nakanichi's restraunt that they own in Houston. It was wonderful. Dad just ordered stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. I have never seen so much food! EVER. I stuffed myself completely. I'm still full from that meal. Absolutely amazing. It was for making the Dean's List. I managed to pull a 3.5 for this semester, and made the dean's list. It was wonderful. After waddling to the car, Derek and i crashed. We were so full, we hadn't eatten that well in ages. I was able to convince Derek to stay in Houston one more day. That day was spent, just chilling for the most part. We did go out with the Counterpart girls for dinner. He said that he liked them. Which was good. Many people that i have dated really didn't like them, but what can you say? Oh well.
Derek left yesterday, and made it back to Austin. The traffic was horrific. It had been raining for the past couple of days, and yesterday was no exception. That and everybody was trying to get shopping in for the holidays. Sugar Land amazes me every time i come home, its so busy and the drivers suck. Mom and i went shopping. I needed a new pair of jeans...badly.
Well, all in all, i'm home. Mandy is great. Tessie is the usual hedghog that she is. Dad is getting fat and is testy with me all the time, and mom always worries. Peter is a prick like always...thats my baby brother for you! I love him to pieces.
Tonight i am going to Tan's party with Read. Joey isn't showing up...its probally for the better.
I hope to hang out with Amanda sometime soon. So we'll see.
*huggles* all.
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