More Rain

well, i have spent one day in Austin. Derek and I decided to stay, and we are going to travel back tomorrow instead. *sighs* I feel really out of it. I gave Amanda a call last was probally on of the hardest phone calls i've made in a long time. Who would have thought that a mind mage and a fire mage would be so stupid. My soul has been revitalized again for the first time in almost a year. Damn your good mind powers Guy! I feel like i can take on the world and its shit that it likes to throw at me. I was reminded what it feels to be in normality be unconditionally loved. And once i was back in Derek's arms again, it stayed with me. Its wonderful to finally get what we have been working so hard for. It took an entire Christmas break though. I guess that's ok. I know that Guy doesn't want me to wait. But waiting is a bad word inorder to describe what i'm going to do. We are going to take care of our own lives, and if God willing, our time will come again. Just not now.
*sighs* I'm rambling. And there is alot of things that i need to sort out inorder to be ready for the next semester. *nods* okies! *huggles*
Oh and Guy, reds and blues...lots of red, with splotches of blue....right now i see green.
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