A long Trek

So i'm in Tempe, Arizona for the Texas Tech Bowl against Minnesota.
I got on the bus at 5:30 in the evening and didn't arive here until 5:00 in the evening. Shoot me...i know.
So we finally got to Tempe after a lay over in San Antonio, and a beautiful breakfast at El Paso (pretty sunrise), and a stop in Tuscon. There was an Its-a-Grinde there in Tuscon and it was my little ray of hope. It made me happy. It really got me through the rest of the trip. When we finally arived in Tempe, Patrick and his fiance were waiting for me there. It was awsome seeing them. It was more fun hanging out with them. The band had a rehursal at 6 so we had a quick recovery in the hotel then we were off to Tempe High for a rehursal on a field with no yard lines. That was scary. The entire band really didn't know what to do, on top of that it rained. Yes, it rained int the desert. weird i know.
After rehursal we went back to the hotel and Patrick took Tyler and I out for a late night dinner. It was fun hanging out with everybody. we laughed alot. finally, after all of that Tyler and I watched TV for alittle while longer then i kicked him out and i took a shower and am about to go to bed. Oh how i'm tired but all of my roommates are snorring and are about 50 lbs larger than i am....this should be interesing...shoot me again.
Anywhos...off to bed! *huggles*
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