Goin' Goin' Gone

Well, i've been back in the dorms for afew days now and i've started band rehursal. I really want to say alot of things right now, but i'm so exausted i can't remember them all. Well, marching band is ok. Tyler and I made the band again this year...and let me tell you that the entire process was quite interesting. I've learned that I can't say anything bad about the band publicly...so i'm having to keep my mouth shut. Anywhos, we have a male piccilo player now...and he's so cool. He and I are sharing a spot in the drill. He's a really cool guy. We go out for lunch and whatnot, and we talk about alot of different thinks, like: traveling, people, etc. I find it interesting that he and I have alot of the same views and observances about other people. Now, he plays for the other team, but i think that is what makes him so unique and awsome. He really is one of the most intersting people that i have me in Lubbock so far! I love hanging out with him. He's a sweetheart. Ok enough about him...
Three-a-day rehursals...they really do wear me out. We have a 7:30 am call tomorrow. That's going to be hard. I'm doing laundry and wasting time right now, as i grow tired...i have yet to drive home tonight. Gah...oh, our band music this year is really cool. We have new stand tunes: Mario Brother's Theme song with Clear Level, and End Game. Also Ridin' Dirty and Kryptonite (superman movie). Those are just afew of the new tunes we have now. Its going to be exciting....the student section is going to go crazy!!!!! *nods*
*sighs* I'm really too tired to think of anything in particular to talk about...i will be deep and etc later...just not now...*nods*
*huggles* and i will try to start updating everyday like i did last year. *nods*
So I just learned today that my best friend from high school is doing graduate work at Tech. Crazy! If you run into Lauren Whitman (anthro dept), tell her hi for me :D
Good luck with this year!
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