Cloud 9 Painted Orange

"the beaten, half-starved-for-honest-affection-looking-through-the-window-longing-just-to-be-held-pleading-for-someone-to-notice-her-but-too-proud-to-admit-it girl" You touched my heart Brandon. Thank you so much. You really are a great friend...and it is how i feel most of the time. Good friends like you, know when to call me out on shit...and this is most definately one of them.
So my weekend. AMAZING! LIke i stated below, i found my calling. I am seriously on cloud nine! Art is going to be my life. Hanging out with the Wheeler Brothers and working with them this weekend was amazing...and a huge inspiration.
We left Lubbock on Thursday in a huge U-Haul Truck. Jeff picked me off and then we were off. We made our way down to BC Gilbert's studio and show room in Witchita Falls, Texas. We hung out there and picked up BC's art work for the Arlington and Gerald Peter's show(s). We went and got burgers and grabbed acouple of beers, and just hung out all night long. Jeff and I stayed in Witchita Falls for the night. We left around noon the next day (Friday) and headed to Arlington. We arived at the Stanford House in Arlington and just chilled for the rest of the day. Jeff finished off some art work, i did reasearch for a CD cover for my dear friend Tan. Saturday was the big day for us all. Brian, Jeff, and I got up at the crack of dawn then made our way to Gerald Peters Gallery. Brian and I were dying for a good cup of Starbucks coffee. We finally found one after we dropped off stuff at Gerald Peters. Brian, Jeff, and I went and grabbed some lunch. Let me say here, sitting in between those two in the U-Haul most definatley the craziest experiance that i have ever had. they are a bunch of crazy sons of bitches. lol. After lunch we headed back to the Arlington Art Museum. From there we spent a good 10 hours unpacking, placing, rearranging, hammering, screwing, of art pieces and installation pieces. Let me say here. It was the best thing that i could have ever done for myself. I hung pieces from Rauschenbuerg, Julie Speed, Jo Harvey Allen, Patrick Medrano, the Art Guys, Wayne Gilbert, BC Gilbert, the Wheeler Brothers and many around 70 pieces of art work are present at this show. It was exhilerating to say the least. Another statement that i believe that needs to be said here, was watching the Wheeler brothers work. It is true, they have a work ethic like no other. And its so contagous and inspiring. But don't get me wrong, Jeff and Brian are also some of the laziest sillies i have ever met too. If they don't HAVE to do it, they won't. lol. Funny group of guys. Over all, through all the set backs of the other workers there (won't say thier name) and the hard working volenteers...we got almost everything done Sunday night. Yes, Sunday night. Now, through out all of this work, i got dragged into watching the Masters Tournament, since both Brian and Jeff are huge golf fans. I argued baseball with Brian because i'm an Astros fan and he's a Rangers fan. Oh, Brian and I also talked music alot. It was fun. I learned quite a bit from that too. Overall, this entire trip was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I worked my ass off as well as relaxed.
I'm going back to the opening of the show next weekend. Its going to be so much fun. I'm so psyced out. The entire experiance was amazing. We left Monday afternoon, took a stop at Half Price Books in Arlington, then drove back to Lubbock...and back to reality. *sighs* so is life, isn't it.
Happy painting...or "what ever makes you happy"
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