The Hour Glass

I woke up today and started channel surfing before i had to go to class. I stumbled upon the Tyra Banks Show. Now, i normally don't watch talk shows, mostly because they are all full of bull most of the time, but this one caught my attention. Tyra was defending a photo shoot she did, and the fact that the papperazzi took a horrible picture of her. She looked like she gained alot of weight, and from her show...she looks like she really hasn't. That is what Photoshop does to photos...thats for sure. The show "Dirt" confirms that. (Which is a fun show to watch btw. It has some interesting characters.) But Tyra's show was all about the modeling runway industry and eating disorders. I found a new respect for Tyra Banks after this show. Her goal for "America's Next Top Model" is to advance healthy models. I respect that. She brought in models who are retired, working, and large. It was an interesting mix. One model was 90 lbs. and still thought that she was fat. She ate 3,000 calories a day, but it usually consited vegitables and fruit. Mostly water weight. Sounded horrible to me. Overall, I was sad that I wasn't able to finish the show because i had to run to class. But it reminded me of this: Marilyn Monroe was a size 10, and she was a sex icon. Today, you must be a size 1 or so inorder to be considered sexy and beautiful. Its rediculous. I'm a size 11 or so. And i'm not completely considered "sexy" by society, nor am i overweight either. Society's pressure on women is so difficult and harsh now-a-days. I'm saddened that most women, including friends of mine, are pressured to have eating dissorders inorder to fit in. I'm so thankful i grew up in a home that did not push me to be a certian image.
I got my Mac back today. Hopefully it will work this time. I'm so happy to have my baby back! Hopefully, more updating!
So, another visitor milestone is comming up...if you are number 6000! Leave me a message, so i can make a special post about you! *huggles*!
Its snowing again...third one this season.
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