Well, i'm back in Lubbock. The break was borring for the most part. Probally because i really didn't do anything exciting. I hung out with several close friends (which was nice), and didn't do much more than that. I guess that's a good thing. A way to wind down. Though, upon my arival back to Lubbock i am hit with a mound of papers and projects. And by mound, i mean mountian. I am looking at over 6 papers and 3 projects. Kill me now please.
Its cloudy here. And you can smell the moisture in the air. Its going to rain soon.
So does anybody know who was MR 5000? I guess i'll have to bump it up to MR or MS 5100 again. If you are this person just leave me a comment and i'll post a special post about you!
I approve of the picture, oh how I approve. Mondays. I hate Mondays. I particularly hate Mondays after a vacation, when professors pick up the threads from their last lecture as if a moment or two only has elapsed. I especially particularly hate Mondays that are the (almost) final ones before exams and professors bombard you with assignments, leaving you sputtering "WTF? You kidding me, right??"
That's how this lovely day has gone.
Oh, and the moisture you're waiting for? SO here. This morning. Here but NOT, just to really throw me off. It was a drizzle, that couldn't quite find the hormones to make the commitment that would necessitate umbrellas. More than a mist. Less than a drizzle.
It really made me angry. Yes, grr.
So, there was no point to this all, except to tell you that I love your grumble post. And your grumble monster. Your grumble monster and my grumble monster are totally related.
Oh, and I'm pissed that I missed being your 5000th person. It's because I was at home and thus not on the computer. So you know.
Good luck with your mountain. Take it one sentence at a time. One sentence at a time.
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