The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Saga continues

Well, just as I say that life is being slow and i'm enjoying it what happens? The fucking rollercoaster decides to take a 360. Well, everything was going somewhat well with all things considering. I made Derek get up and take me to school yesterday and he wasn't happy about that but oh well, i had a class and he didn't and he wanted me to stay over. Either way, Tuesdays and Thursdays are always busy for me anyways so i didn't have much to think or ponder about. Tyler and I went out to lunch to chat and be friends. The guy broke up with his girlfriend recently so i decided that he needed to stop moping around and hang out. We chatted and joked around like usual. I still think it would be a lethal thing if he and I ever drank together. *nods*

I went to art class and did absolutely nothing. My instructor likes all my ideas and is a total flake. I am undoubtedly the best in the classroom so its frustrating to me when i want input or commentary and all i get is: "I think you are sabotaging your art work so you won't get a perfect grade." WTF!!! yeah right, why would i do that to myown art work? Je ne sais pas. *shakes head* Anywho, Derek's art class let out early so he came up to the Arch. building and hung out with me while i waited for my class to let out. We sat and lightly chatted outside in the hall ways. Afew minutes into it i told Derek that i had to go back to class really quickly and I would be right back. I handed him my cell phone in the gesture of: "here's my phone, i really will be right back because you have my phone!" Well, class let out an hour early and Derek and I started walking down stairs to leave. I noticed that Derek was upset about something so i asked him what was wrong. He said just anxiety. Just anxiety? Well, that's not good. When I left him he was ok. Well, what happened is that he went through my text messages in my cell and saw Joey's messages to me. That was not good at all. Derek freaked. That is percisely why i don't tell him alot of things because he will freak! *shakes head* Well, the long of the short of it is, that i was upset and i called Tyler. He and i chatted about it and met up with Derek. The three of us walked to dinner because walking is good for upset people. Derek and I sorta talked it out for the time being. Fastforwarding: Derek and I talked for hours last night working things out. I honestly don't know how much longer this relationship is going to last. It seems like every time my past or joey comes up in a convo we have to smooth things over. I don't know if either one of us is truly happy. Anywho, we chatted about ourselves and alittle about how i went from "church" girl to well, who I am today. This morning he said that he was happy we had that chat...i just grunted in agreement, but i'm not happy that we had that chat at all.

Now, during the time i was at Derek's last night, a bunch of his friends came over and shaved this guy's head. It was really funny. Lets just say that the poor guy just wanted a close buzz but came down to a completely bald head with lots and lots of wrinkles. He looked like 'tilk from SG1. He has also decided that he should get on Gaia too since i started Derek on it who then started Cory. It is quite ammusing to see them frustrated with the gold situation. I just laugh. I earn gold the old fashion way: chatting but they both fish. *shrugs*

Anywho...ummmmm...i need a shower desperately and i'm going to take one after class. Tonight is movie night in my dorm and Tyler, Derek and I are watching The Who's Tommy. *dances* yes, the one Clements made last year! I miss the music so much and i want Tyler to see it so...*nods* we are so watching it. *nods*

mmmm...elton john fix.

Yesterday was Joey's first preforance. And from reading Jeremy Camp's myspace comments it looked like they all had an amazing time. Joey texted me saying that it was amazing. So i'm glad. I just wish i could have been there too. I wanna go on tour! Maybe if my job thing does not pull through, i'll go to the clubs and stuff around with Joey and his music. We'll see. *nods*

Okies, class starts in about 30 min. and i wanna change shirts. Its cloudy outside and windy and below 50 so i wanna wear something warmer than what i'm wearing now. Anywho: *huggles* all and have a wonderful friday.

I will be going home to the Bubble in one week TODAY! *nods* See ya'll all there! Miss my buds!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... Walking is good for upset people? Maybe. :p Sleeping is good for THIS upset person. ;)

And wow... awkward-- going through your phone, hm? Man. Maybe I'm just a really private person, but I think that... would get me.

And I like the fact that you "grunted" because it's funny. "grunt grunt" HAHA, I crack myself up. -_-'

But, um... so does he ever talk about himself? Or do the two of you simply riffle through your secrets? Through your past?

"Church" girl... oh, man. What terminologies you use... *sigh* Were you once truly a "church" girl? I don't know if that has the right connotation. "Passionate" maybe, "Passionately Pure" perhaps-- but... just a "church" girl?

Mm... I'm leaving my computer and campus for a couple days... I'll try to catch you online Monday. :) Have a sexcellent weekend!

12:52 PM, March 03, 2006  

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