The Red Balloon

Rediscovering this world with the realization of an adult but the nuances of a child carrying a brand-new red balloon as it trails behind them in playful glee.

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Location: Sugar Land; Lubbock, Texas, United States

Living the life of an excentric elfen artist in a world of logic and numbers.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Summer Jobs?

Well, again my life is a turbulant soap opera.

I have been interviewing all week for a job with The Southwestern Company for a summer job. I will be leaving the state all summer to work for them selling books and what not. The average student earns 5-8k over the summer. That is plenty for me to buy my laptop and put a downpayment on a car. I could even move into an appartment if i so choose so. Well, they interviewed around 300 Tech students and they only took around 100. I got the job, but i still had to talk to my parents about it. So, i called them last night and they flipped. My mom got so mad at me that she stopped talking to me, and dad started lecuring me. Yeah, that went over well. *sighs* Dad said that i had to sent him the link to thier website and then find someone who has already done this and see if thier parents would talk to my parents about it. Well, i have a meeting with my boss on monday, so we'll see how well i can pull that off. At first i wasn't so sure about this, but now that my parents are not happy about it, i want to do it. I want to prove to them that i can do something like this. I need to break out of my shell even more than i already have. I would be leaving the entire summer to work in the east. It will be hard and a challenge but i'm up for it...i'm so up for it. I was so upset after i got off the phone with my dad. I was almost in tears.

Anywho, so i'm going to take a road trip with Derek down to Austin for the weekend. Oh, for those who do not know, i'm sorta dating Derek. He's a sweet guy, an artist and mucisian. We are dabbling in the idea of starting a band. Our relationship is very tentative right now...mostly its my fault...i'm emotionally detached. The funny thing is, i was talking to Joey about it the other day and he said he was the exact same way since me, too. I found that very interesting. We both have shut ourselves down since dating eachother. That really shows how intence we were and in some ways still are, though we are developing a great friendship of sorts. Anywho, yeah, going down to Austin with Derek to get out of Lubbock. I am also going to see my Inverse Lesbian Lover: Amanda. *laughs* no, we aren't lesbian...we are just such close and good friends that if we were, we so would be dating. Sorta like Joey and Seth...if seth was a girl...joey would be all over him/her. *laughs*

There are some other options open for me for the summer. Derek is staying in Lubbock so i'm not too worried about anything there. Anywho, Joey wants me to tour with him or at least go to many of his concerts this summer. I want to go. I think it would be amazing and fun. And then, if i decide to duel major in Art and English i should take summer school courses and work too...back in SL. Who knows...after my parents cool down i'm going to ask them about my major stuff.

Okies, i'm going to grab something to eat and finish packing. *nods* I'll write when i get back. I'm going to be swamped with school work there and back. Spring break is almost here! *dances*


PS: watch Knight School on ESPN @ 9:00 centeral on sunday


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'd be a pretty sweet summer job. A little difficult if you want to do summer school though. Good luck with your parents on that one.
Hope you had fun in Austin!


4:51 PM, February 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I. L. L. ! ! !

Yeah. Suh-weeeet.
Good luck with the summer plans... at least it's still far enough away you have time to consider your options.

7:03 PM, February 26, 2006  

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