A Roll of Toilet Paper

I know i know...classes have kept me busy. So an update of sorts.
Something happened to me the other day. It was interesting. I was walking to my car with a box of blankets for Derek because Derek and PJ don't turn on the heater in the house. Blankets are a good thing. Well, i barely had a grip on this box, while i was trying to hold a cup of coke and my book bag. I could have made it, it would have taken me a while, but i could have made it. I usually park by the Alumini Center because that is the only parking available early in the mornings. So, i was wobbling along and a nice man asked me if i needed help. I said that it would be wonderful and he grabbed the box and walked with me to my car. He was a tech alumni. I introduced myself to him and he did the same then said, "have a good day," and walked off. Right then i realized that i had been shown the true West Texas hospitality, Tech alliance, and polite males. I don't know if its the people i hang around with or i've just gotten used to it, but kindness is an expected thing but acts of kindness is not. People around here are nice, but when men are gentlemenly-like, its just something new. I'm not used to males carrying things for me or half the time opening doors for me. It sometimes happens.
I just got off the phone with a dear friend, Alex Dubois. He is at Baylor. I haven't talked to him in almost a year now. We went to high school together and he is just as sweet as ever. Every time i talk to him, i feel so uplifted and happy. He very much does have the love of God about him. I honestly don't think there is a bad or evil bone in his body. We talked about school, Baylor vs Tech game, semenary and a bunch of other stuff too. It was so nice to talk to him. He is truly one of those people who you can call and pick up right where you left off with your friendship. Amazing person.
Another thing i have noticed is the fact of toilet paper types changing depending on where you are on campus. If you are in the Student Union, there is nice toilet paper. Take one step in the connected music building the toilet paper is cheep. Go into the English Building where the professor's offices are there is nice toilet paper again with nice hand soap. If you go in the art building, you are doing good if the bathrooms are clean with toilet paper. I find it interesting how the school feels about different parts of the campus, colleges, and areas. I kinda feel jipped. I pay my fees, i want good toilet paper and hand soap that doesn't dryout my skin. It would be kinda nice.
Its cold. It is finally starting to turn winter here. Long sleeved shirts, gloves, scarfs, and other motifs are starting to arise out of dusty Rubbermaid bins. My fingers are freezing, and I don't like it.
My blog background is still under construction...i really dont like how it looks right now, i want to customize it more, but right now i either: don't have the time, learning CSS, or can't find or create the graphics that i want. eh. I think a nap is in order before class....so....
ttfn...until the next entry!
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Wandringthought, don't be such a feminist nazi. There are plenty of guys out there with manners, responsibility, and devotion (like me and I'm an asshole even, go figure). It's not our fault that women like you pick immoral relationships just to not be alone or have another baby or whatever else goes through low self-esteemed women like you're making out to be.
Aly, I'm baaaaaccccckkkkkk
Patrick, that's not the point she was getting at...
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