Ben is theGreatBS, and will always be that to me. He is my first friend on gaia...that's for sure. I actually blame my little brother for getting me hooked on this site. Ben befriended me early on in my adventures on this site. Honestly, i don't remember when i first met him. It was probally a RPG forum or something. But i do remember that he helped me out alot on different quests and what not. I distinctly remember him getting me a pair of pants and the angelic pendant. Outside of the game he became an older brother figure to me. I can't say how many countless times we just talked and how many times he calmed me down when i was in histareas. Recently we've been out of touch but i plan to change that soon...hopefully...if i can get unbusy...which never seems to be the case. Anywho, Ben is most definately on of those special people that you only run into afew times in your life. I know when he has his first History class, all the kids will LOVE him to death. If i could, i would so send my kids to him. I wish him the best of luck in that endevor and on his upcomming marrage. I so wish i could go and see my special bud start a new life, but alas you live way too far away for me to do that. It will take me the 23 hours just to get through Texas, Oklahoma, and part of Kansas. Oh well...give me your new address and i'll send you art for your wedding! *nods*
My little message to you: i miss you bud and you are such a special person to me. (even if you are a fucker for cheating to be the 3000th person on my blog) *laughs* But that is what makes you that much more awsome! *huggles and glomps*
-Chardata (reijn)
Hee. I remember that drawing. I still have it tucked away somewhere. Thank you for the special post ^^ Now, if you'd just stay in touch a little more... *poke* After all, I don't think I'll get the 4000th view just by refreshing the browser...
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