Texas Tech: the Come-back Kid (who everybody ignores)

Note: the following post is logically biased and proud of it
It is my honest opinion that Texas Tech fans die young. Probably from alcoholism from living in Lubbock, car wrecks since and I quote “never drive beside a Lubbock driver, drive behind them or preferably in front of them, but never beside them.” (from a funny band director), getting beat up at walmart because all you wanted was a mixer for your hour-long-trip-vodka but you have to wait in line for another two hours…and you are angry, OR a simple heart attack from the Texas Tech football team. (or hernia, whichever comes first). Tech tends to win “important” games at the last minute. And by the “last minute” I truly mean THE LAST minute of the entire game. At the ripe old age of 22, I believe that I will die young, due to a heart attach brought on by the Texas Tech football team.
Driving around Lubbock on a game day, all you see is red and black, Double T flags flying, and the smell of BBQ in the air. Its some serious party time. But Tech fans take this down time as the quiet before the storm. Mike Leach’s Air-Raid is about to begin. An Aggie fan once told me that he was expecting everybody to be rude and mean to him, but once he came up here he realized how nice everybody was, they even allowed him to tailgate with them. It was a shocker to him. I then replied, enjoy it while it lasts because during the game, everything changes. It becomes personal during game time. The pride that you see in the student’s eyes when that Double T flies across the field and the Masked Rider races past the Goin’ Band is seen nowhere else in college football, according to the Dean of Visual and Performing Arts, of Texas Tech. Go check out her stats, she has the credentials to be saying such a bold statement. Not only does that game at that moment become so personal, it becomes a chance to say to the nation, we are here…do not ignore us. From time and time again, I tend to find myself saying, “Texas Tech is the red-headed bastard child of Texas”.
Now the facts…Texas Tech is the only Big12 member to have a winning season each year since the induction into the conference in 1996. It has the largest comeback in NCAA bowl history in the 2006 Insight Bowl. Texas Tech always hold at least a 9-3 season. (rough average). Now, do not get me wrong, we do tend to loose to a team that we should not loose to, and overall the Red Raiders are not a consistent team. BUT they are consistent enough to be considered a strong opponent against teams like University of Texas and Oklahoma University.
You’re Adopted
When little kids bicker and want to hurt one another they tend to banter, “you’re adopted, your mother does not love you”. This is what Texas Tech hears from schools like Oklahoma University, University of Texas, and Texas A&M. Why is that? Because Texas Tech has been trying to start a legitimate rivalry with these three schools. Why doe these schools not recognize their red-headed sibling. Every other school has an official rivalry with each other: Texas & Oklahoma—Red River Showdown; Texas & Texas A&M—Instate Rivalry; Oklahoma & Oklahoma State—Instate Rivalry. Schools that try to make a rivalry with Texas Tech: Nebraska and Oklahoma State. Schools that Texas Tech tries to make a rivalry with: University of Texas, Oklahoma, and Texas A&M.
What I do not understand is why Oklahoma (OU) does not accept a rivalry with Texas Tech. It is a back and forth win, from year to year, between these two schools coupled with heated and very emotional games. Texas (UT) refuses to acknowledge Tech because they are too haughty and egotistical. There is no rivalry with A&M since Texas Tech has beaten the Aggies six years in a row. Getting the Aggies to admit anything new is like making Alabama and Auburn fans to eat at a dinner table together. It just does not happen.
Both the media and the other schools in the Big 12 push Texas Tech aside. It takes Texas Tech double the amount of effort to gain recognition than it does UT or OU. [recruiting is solid, and players are talented in the red and black]
According to Mahalo.com, “though not thought of nationally as their state of Texas counterparts the Longhorns and Aggies, the Red Raiders have carved an impressive and unique place within the fabric of college football. The school currently owns the record for the largest come-from-behind victory in bowl history when they rallied from 31 points down in the third quarter to defeat Minnesota in three overtimes.” This is only part of the “Kid”.
In 2005, Texas Tech played Oklahoma at home. The score is tied at 21-21. With 30 seconds left on the clock in the 4th quarter, the Red Raiders go for the touch down. Running the infamous offensive spread and the Air-Raid, Tech makes the touch down. Winning the game. But wait, it was called back. The Red Raiders, with a 2nd down, makes another pass into the end zone. Another touchdown? Called back again. Time running down on the clock, Taurean Henderson has the ball passed to him, while he jumped over the pile of red and maroon. The ball crossed the line. Touchdown. Third try the charm? OU challenges. The call was held. Tech wins 23-21.
In 2006, Texas Tech travels down to Kyle field to play the Aggies. This is was at the beginning of the Aggies’ fall from any hope of being considered a good team. There is a reason why the last coach got fired and the new coach was told that he had better beat Texas Tech. There are a few things in life that make me truly sick to my stomach: burnt orange and maroon. Having to deal with not even being seated inside Kyle Stadium, and looking straight towards a student section flicking us off, the glove had been pulled. Neck and neck through out the entire game, it came to the wire, once again. Harrell passes the ball long to Robert Johnson for the touchdown. During the last 26 seconds of the game, Tech wins 31-27.
In 2006, Tech accepts the invite to the Insight Bowl against a “Lubbock” no-named team, Minnesota. Who were the gophers anyways?! Well, it was a team that was beating Tech by the half time. I was not ready for another loss, not after the Cotton Bowl, the season before against that “other” team. I was embarrassed to see the powerful Red Raiders beaten by a rodent. After a phenomenal half time by the Goin’ Band, the Red Raiders come back and do not allow another touchdown by the Golden Gophers. Trilica, thus, was presented with a tough job…make a field goal from almost the 50-yard line. This ties the game 38-38, sending it into overtime. Tech wins the toss, and sends the gophers to the offensive. Tech’s defense holds, for once, forcing Minnesota into making a field goal. Taking turns, Tech makes a touchdown making the final score 44-41. Tech makes NCAA history for the largest comeback (31 point deficit) in a college bowl game.
In 2007, Texas Tech plays #4 OU in the Jones. The game was not televised but every media venue had a representative at the game “incase something happened”. That “something” did happen. The power of playing at The Jones happened. Tech, having the vengeance from the season earlier; the craziness of that year’s football season, Tech wanted an upset. And Tech got its upset: 34-27. The student body rushed the field creating a pep-rally that TTU had not seen since its win in basketball over Kansas.
In 2007/2008, Tech attends the Gator Bowl. The quick summary of this game, was as follows: the Insight Bowl. Tech, trailing at the half, and me, being optimistic, told a Virginia fan to go watch the 2007 Insight Bowl. He scoffed at me while I scoffed at him. Again, as history tends to repeat itself, Tech pulls a win at the last minute: 31-28. Virginia had no idea how to play Texas football.
In 2008, Tech plays Nebraska. This was a game that we all thought would be a shoe-in. But as Tech tends to be, big headed and forgets how to show-up for a game. Trailing the game the entire time, I do not think I have screamed so much at a football game, and yet did not loose my voice. It is the second time in my time of being a Red Raider did Tech go into overtime. Tied 31-31, Tech takes the first turn, playing offence. Making two touchdowns, the score changes to 37-31. Nebraska was up, held by the Tech defense, a football supposedly thrown away, headed straight towards Jamar Wall’s chest. Interception, Tech wins.
In my four short years as a Texas Tech Girl, I have learned a couple of things in life: never leave a Texas Tech game early, three minutes in Tech-time is a very, very long time, and fighting for recognition is an every-day affair.
I love being a Red Raider. (I’m the one in the hat) It is probably one of the most fun teams to be a part of. Life is never boring when you are a Red Raider. But, I swear, I’m going to die at a young age if Tech continues to win at the last minute. (or I will have grey hairs by the year 2010). Why can’t we win like all the other teams…with a lead? Because we are Texas Tech.