Covered with Fingerprints

i've been so busy lately that writing has been the last thing on my mind. Unfortunately. But i decided that i really needed to write something. Something that has really been on my mind lately:
People are curious things. Before football games everybody is friendly and the air is filled with anticipation. I saw Texas Tech fans mingling with Oklahoma fans and having a great time. But at the game, it was as if hell had opened up its gates and allowed its demons to wear black and red. Once the game was over, the students flooded the field like the water buffalo in The Lion King...with probally the same amount of brain functions. People in large groups never cease to ammuse me.
People are both kind and horrible. My laptop got stolen this past week. I miss my baby. She surved me well. I don't understand how anybody would be so horrible as to steal somebody else's property. I probally will never see my baby again. At the same time I am reminded of the hospitality of these same group of humans that I spend my days on earth with. Every person I have told that I was staying home for the break invited me to thier house for a thanksgiving dinner...each one said it with a smile on thier face. On top of that, men open doors for girls; friends will always pull through for you; and whenever you need a smile, they give you one for free.
People are your friends...for better or for worse. I can always expect scary and bad news from my friends. I think its because it is the fact that they are my friend. They break my heart, and they turn my head into a whirrl but somehow they stick around! Friends are curious creatures.
People do curious things. They aren't predictable. They always throw you for a loop. They come by and kiss you or tell you that they love you, or they slap you across the face and yell.
I love my people...and in the end i really do love the life i lead. Its hard at times but when I see that swagger stance in my doorway I always smile inside knowing that it will all be ok. When i see that blonde stylized hair and those shiny blue eyes coupled with a bright smile...i know that my world is not so bad.
We all need constants in our lives...and I am sure I have found mine.
- Reijn